
Friday, January 23, 2009

Ghetto Jihad In Britain

From the Daily Star:

ABOVE: Many Muslims do not want to integrate

MUSLIMS want to create their own communities and remain segregated from British society.

A shocking 44% think they should be free to develop along separate lines.

But critics claim Muslims will create their own ghettos if they are left to their own devices.

The poll found religion has replaced race as the biggest equality issue, with six in 10 Brits thinking it is more divisive. 

Mass tension has grown following terror attacks from Muslim fanatics, including the 7/7 Tube bombings in 2005.

The war in Iraq has also added to divisions leaving many communities split.

But critics are fuming Muslims are refusing to fit into our way of life.

English Democrats’ chairman Robin Tilbrook said: “As far as I’m concerned, what we want to be about is having an integrated society.

“It’s not at all right to have what’s really a sort of ghetto situation developing – it’s going to lead to trouble.

“We can’t have a single society with lots of different rules.” 

Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice, said:

“If people don’t want to  integrate, they shouldn't be here.

“I’m not surprised because there are already Muslim enclaves all over the country. They keep themselves to themselves anyway.”

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission poll found 67% of Muslims would not be happy for their child to marry someone of a different religion. But marrying someone from a different race bothers them less, with 61% content with the idea.


  1. Has any one ever wondered how East London is populated with so many muslims when it is amongst the most expensive properties in Britain

    Squatting Jihad/Housing for free

    Here is an article I found

    I began squatting in early 1974 and towards the end of 1974, I was spending more and more time along with other people helping to expand the movement as we saw it. At the time in Tower Hamlets, there were 60 councillors and all were Labour; it was completely Labour in the whole of the borough.

    The power was divided between the Jews and the Irish; they were known as the Kosher Nostra and the Murphia. A small core of councillors and council officials ran the borough. There was no democracy. I am not saying there is particularly now, but certainly it wasn’t then. It was blatant corruption, particularly in housing.

    In Tower Hamlets at the time was the greatest concentration of publicly owned housing outside of the “Iron Curtain” (I mean this side of Eastern Europe). About the 90% of all housing was state owned--by the GLC or London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH). Through their control, the Labour Party operated a virtual sort of ghetto system.

    The Bangladeshis, you could get housing, if you were registered. You could only register, if you had a family here, so single Bangladeshi men couldn’t even register for housing. In order to get their family here, they had to have housing, otherwise the families wouldn’t be allowed in. So people were doubling and tripling up, sleeping on people’s floors and flats where they shouldn’t be.

    There wasn’t very much private housing at all. What there was, was around Spitalfields, Cannon Street Road and that end of the borough, massive over crowding! But at the same time the council was operating very inefficiently. Not only were they corrupt, they were extremely inefficient. And I remember writing a leaflet, saying that, there were 3200 empty council owned residential properties in the borough, which would be enough to clear the entire housing list. For various reasons, the council just couldn’t bring them into occupation. The sort of thing they did was-- there was a perfect little block of flats in Bow, built in the 1920s, but something called the Parker Morris Standards in terms of room heights and widths, said the rooms weren’t sufficient, so they emptied the block and left it empty and so it was squatted up by largely Whites.

    But there were whole streets of houses, some of them were not in very good condition, which gradually began to be occupied by Bangladeshis, with the assistance of White squatters especially after I got involved, because I began to work more and more with Bangladeshis

    Read the whole disgusting interview here


    Thats the complete address from above

  3. bookmarked for further investigation . . .thanks shiva


  4. Hounslow is another enclave in London too. I remember when my brother moved from our tranquil coutry town in Derbyshire to the big smoke in the early 90's and then a few weeks after going to visit him. His house was below Heathrow approach and it was a few days after bonfire night. He had complained to the police because the natives were sending up fireworks directly into the path of landing planes - their response? "We can't do anything I'm afraid because they'll plead racial harrassment". This was nearly 20 years ago! God knows what it's like now.

    The house he lived in with three others had the only British people on the entire street, quite a revelation to me. The real surprise was when he took me into Hounslow central and the first shop we went into I wanted to buy bubble gum. The lady shopkeeper I thought was a bag lady because she was wrapped in so many garments, it was cold after all, I never contemplated it was religious garb, she didn't speak a word of english. The gum was behind the counter so I couldn't get it myself.

    After what seemed a lifetime of pointing and raised voices I left empty handed and disgruntled. I relayed the story to my Brother who was, let me say, a lot more direct than I am who went into the shop, laid down some insults, went behind the counter, grabbed the gum and left more than enough money on the counter and made forth his deparature!

    I'll never forget his words, "The bitch speaks English fine, they hate serving the English, they're all at it."

    This was huge to me. It took a while for me to comprehend that our country was letting these people in and they hated us.

    A year later my brother was set upon by a group of Asians who beat him severely - for no other reason than because he was walking home from work through 'their' territory. I could have tooled up and gone to town on them I was so angry but I was only 14!

    It was not until I was early 20's that I started to read further into history and politics that I discovered the real scale of the problem and then on a cold day in September 2001 I was prompted by another heinous event to learn the true cause of all the worlds ills, Islam.

    Needless to say it has my full attention and I'm doing my bit to wipe Islam from the face of the Earth. I want my country back and I have a canny ability to manipulate, scheme, and plot to always get what I want - ask my Mum!

    Peace and a happy weekend to all my fellow infidels!

  5. Just Cause,
    Thanks for relating that story. I've seen this kind of stuff myself.

    Before 9/11, I had noticed that many Arabs did not treat others as if they were human beings.

    After 9/11, I started to figure out why.
