
Friday, January 23, 2009

Murtha Volunteers To Take In Guantanamo Prisoners

This is stupefying. Murtha truly must be insane. I can find no logic in his statements here. I am at a lost to even find a logic of demagoguery here. In other words, I can't think of a single way in which Murtha might think these statements would help him, or the Democratic Party. 

Could it be that Murtha has become a man competely transfixed on the idea of being opposite of absolutely anything Republican?

On closing Guantanamo we get this from Rep. John Murtha (PA 12th District- D) emphasis mine:

So Murtha may have just been proving a point when he told FOX News that he'd "take 'em" in his district.

"They're no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo," Murtha said, adding that he saw "no reason not to put 'em in prisons in the United States and handle them the way they would handle any other prisoners."  

He'll take Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of 9/11?  How sweet of you, Rep. Murtha!

Mind if I take a look around your district?

Just looking around on Google Earth using Wikimapia I'm at... ohhh... roughly... 6 or 8 Elementary Schools, 3-5 Middle/Intermediate/Junior High Schools, 3-4 High Schools, at least one tech school, a community college, a University, 3 or so hospitals/medical centers... 5-6 power substations (have to keep those steel works in neighboring districts going), a municipal airport, a lovely lock and dam complex in a neighboring district...

In a neighboring district, literally right next door, I can count over 8 schools in less than a two mile radius!

Oh and some of those schools have 'Catholic' as part of their name and one 'Christian' School, I believe.  Plus all sorts of non-Islamic churches, houses of worship, Synagogues.  

Read the whole thing.


  1. Befriend an AlQ Ex-Gitmo. A new social program in a neighborhood near you. :)

  2. Cripes, there'll be moonbat females lining up to marry the bastard. I hope one of the Code Pink beyatches wins. They'd deserve each other.

    I'm surprised Murtha didn't offer to put him up nearer to Shanksville. The fekker will feel right at home once they get that crescent-shaped-and-aligned-to-Mecca monument finished.

  3. This blog is filled with hate. Zionist hate.

    You really believe a 14 year old that was handed to the US because the US paid for him is really a terrorist?

    Nah. The terrorist is Israel's Zionist.

    Nah. Not all jews are zionists.

    But all Zionists are killers.

    You appear to side with the Zionists.

    May god have mercy on your soul.

    If they are guilty, you idiot, charge them, try them and execute them if you wish! Ah! But you have NO evidence.

    You poor bastard.

  4. Anonymous,

    Wait a minute, are you saying the 14 year old is a Zionist-trained terrorist out to make the Muslims look bad?

    I didn't realize this.

    All this time, I thought these terrorists were Islamic Jihadists.

    This changes everything.

    I will have to disassociate myself from the Zionist World Control Organization. I didn't realize how evil they were.

    But, truth is, they were always late with my payola checks anyway, and it really pissed me off.

    In a way, I'm glad you have enlightened me, because I was getting really tired of these Zionist bastards anyway.

  5. Anonymous, this blog is filled with hate indeed. But I can clearly see the LOVE in your heart. Lol! You're full of it! Lol!
