
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Video: Movie Trailer For Farewell Israel

Last night, I watched the full-length DVD for the following, and the film was one of the most thought-provoking I've seen:

From the YouTube web site (emphasis mine):
This DVD is a historic journey, from the birth of Islam, through it's 1200 year reign over the civilized world, to the last 300 years of Islamic decline, overtaken and dominated by the West, then humiliated by a Jewish state. Islam's historic trials with Jews, and its relationship with conquered non-believers, help illustrate the Islamic world view - through the eyes of Muslims. At the direction of Iran, Islamists are preparing for a fateful coming war for Islam. Israel is the number one target in the path of Islamic revival. Meanwhile, President George Bush's tragic misunderstanding of 9/11 as a "War Against Freedom" allowed the United States to play into the hands of Al-Qaeda. Western and Israeli misunderstanding of Islam is leading to a coming war - which will have devastating consequences for the West, and worst of all for Israel - Farewell Israel!
Fellow counterjihadists, you MUST watch the film! You can purchase your copy at Farewell


  1. AoW . . .I have seen this video and have sent copies to bloggers in an effort to see this video discussed.

    My hope was that the video would be temporarily (48 hour window for each segment) posted online by bloggers - in segments - and discussed segment by segment because the material spans far too much material to coherently discuss in one thread.

    I personally find this video one of the most detailed - and as you stated, most thought provoking history lessons on tape.


  2. HRW,
    I think that every single one of us counterjihadists should watch the film, then have the discussion you mentioned.

    I found myself thinking a lot about this question: If appeasement doesn't work and if fighting back doesn't work, then what DOES work to curb Islam?

    For 1400 years, the West has tried the above two options, with only temporary success each time.

  3. . . .then what does work?

    Stroll back through recent history -

    State Shintoism became a main force of militarism, finally coming to an abrupt end in August 1945 when Japan lost the war in the Pacific.

    The Nazi regime in Germany ended with World War II in 1945, when the party was declared a criminal organisation by the victorious Allied Powers. Since 1945, Nazism has been outlawed as a political ideology in Germany.

    1. Identify enemy as 'criminal organization'

    2. Outlaw the enemy doctrine - don't ban the book - ban the political practice of the doctrine. Deport all foreign clerics, RICO all institutions receiving foreign funding. Build on this strategy to undermine the foundations of political Islam on Western soil until it is rendered harmless.

    3. Relentlessly destroy the infrastructure of political Islam.

    If that doesn't work - the only options left are either to join them, or to utterly destroy all that is Islamic.
