
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Y'know that guy in YEMEN, the Al Qaeda chief, NOT IN AFGHANISTAN (Barry), who came from a gitmo release? Well...he's just one

Chertoff: 61 Guantanamo detainees returned to terror
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said last week that there have been a large number of detained terrorists from Guantanamo Cuba who were release that returned to conduct terror attacks.

A Pentagon report stated that 61 detainees from the prison at Guantanamo had gone back to the battlefield after being released to other countries governments.

"There are people who have returned to the battlefield when they've been released," Chertoff said when asked after a speech about the Pentagon report.
I know that I am just a stupid blogger sitting here, in what most of the 'erudite elite in the know' imagine is my dirty underwear with a Pabst and a Domino's extra thick all meat pie, having just come back from waddling around Walmart to buy another pair of contaminated, made in China flip flops, but maybe JUST MAYBE we ignoramuses might be permitted to point out that THIS FRIGGIN REPORT HAS MEANING IN THE REAL WORLD.
If 61 out of even 610 released Gitmoids are again engaged in killing our men and women, EVEN OVER THERE, then we have a systemic, strategic flaw in our reasoning about the criteria for release.

In one case a Kuwaiti terrorist who was released "ultimately found a way into Iraq as a suicide bomber," he said.

"The flip side of the coin about [closing Guantanamo and releasing] detainees," he said.

"If you let them go and they commit acts of terrorism, you're going to have to look in the eyes of the family members of the person who lost their life and you're going to have to explain why that happened."

The Obama administration is expected to follow through on a campaign pledge by President-elect Barack Obama to close down the Cuban prison.
Of course, we know today that as soon as he got off the phone with Holocaust Denier/Minimizer, PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he did sign an executive order closing Guantanamo, without ANY plan regarding prisoners.

This writer has stated several times that he is rooting for Obama. So far, in making that call, closing Guantanamo IN THE WAY HE IS (appointing a panel on prisoner handling so he doesn't have to responsible for a decision), and telling Israel to act to strengthen those who wish it destroyed and and it's people killed cause this person to wonder what Mr. Obama is thinking about, and if he is anything but dangerously naive in the international realm. We must all remember that the man he replaced, for whatever villainy and cynical manipulation he was accused of, looked into the eyes of VLadimir Putin and told us he trusted that man.

If Barack Obama retook his oath out of an abundance of caution, why is he playing so loose with the safety of us all, when it is clear a significant proportion of Gitmoids feel they have euchred us and have returned to their religious calling.

If these people in Gitmo are NOT going to be released, one can only wonder, WHY DO ANYTHING? Have the tribunals, and carry out the sentences.

We should all also be cognizant of WHY Bill Clinton refused the Sudan's offer of Bin Laden as prisoner about 1996. We did NOT, he imputed, have all the evidence required to find him guilty in a court of law. I leave all conclusions about this process, the legalities required, regarding religious terrorists with no nation state identity, and no army or uniforms to the readers. These processes were defined after WW2 in 1947 and 1948 (Geneva Conventions), when no human ever imagined that god would dictate murder of thousands to individuals in various states which would not have the ability or desire to control their populations, and would find other states across borders supporting these actions for other reasons.

Chertoff said that prior to release the terrorists are carefully screened. "I always ask to make sure that we have all of their biometrics -- their fingerprints, photograph -- so that we can catch them if they ever come into the United States," he said. "The key is to be able to make sure a person like that cannot come back in and masquerade as somebody else, and that's where the biometrics -- the prints and the face and stuff like that -- make a big difference."
Sure, Mike, and when they walk across the Arizona desert and over that wall that's not there, with Iranian paid for fake ID's, and Amex cards in perfect condition, that will help us how?

1 comment:

  1. All the Cole bombers were released in Yemen. Our government did nothing. Even as two of them went on to fight our soldiers in Iraq, and others went back to Al-Qaeda. And now we get to watch the same thing here in America all over again. Its horrible. And they don't give a damn about looking in our eyes at all. Its all politics at the expense of the victims, their families and all citizens.
