In this video, Ahmadinejad promises his mentor and spiritual adviser "a great shake on the planet". The video has been recorded in a secret meeting between several hardliners and the only one that speaks is Ahmadinejad.
From Wind Rose Hotel:
In his Facebook page French philosopher and writer Bernard-Henri Lévy has a video, which was clandestinely shot and brought out of Iran, showing “president-non-elect” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—as Lévy himselfcalls the Iranian despot—while announcing to his most loyal followers and in the presence of his mentor and spiritual adviser, ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, “un grand bouleversement sur la planète” (a great bouleversement on the planet). The speech was delivered on June 13, 2009. This is what BHL himself says about the video (in French):
VIDEO BELOWThis video is quite extraordinary. Filmed without the knowledge of the subjects, secretly removed from Iran, it shows Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Qom [an Iranian city southwest of Tehran], accompanied by his mentor, the Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, as well as a group of students and faithful.
The video was taken out of Iran over the Internet. It is dated June 13, 2009, the day after the alleged victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (the date tends to be corroborated by the repeated expressions of gratitude for the announced goal of "radical Islamization"). It is not known who captured these images, then chose to disseminate them, but it appears to have been done by a member of the same group, perhaps by a cell phone.
This is a private meeting of a small committee whose matters do not visibly address themselves to the masses, but do address the initiated, sometimes in coded language. You see the "President Non-Elect" thank his mentor and guests for their support and services rendered (for what?). He assures them that, thanks to their aid, the "great victory" (for what?) is near. The whole thing is in a tone and terminology of which the messianic tenor is particularly obvious. Watch it.
Fariba Hachtroudi et Bernard-Henri Lévy
Via Liberation
Video clandestine sortie d'Iran: Ahmadinedjad sans masques
Uploaded by BernardHL. - Watch the latest news videos.
Translation (thanks to Stogie):
I thank the Almighty for allowing me to be here in the dear city of Qom and at the mausoleum of Saint Massoumeh, whom God blesses, and in your saintly presence in the company of the other friends here, but also for the opportunity to tell you what is essential.
You have rightly stated that the Islamic revolution cannot be reduced to a particular place or time, and if our efforts are placed in the service of God and the orbit of creation they will endure and we will realize all of our dreams and hopes.
The fight against vice and for justice is a source of joy, but the real joy will come on the day that our true prayer is answered. All of us must strive for the fulfillment of this essential prayer.
I think the revolution is finding its way. A new upheaval has begun. A period of hard work is coming to an end but a more difficult period is beginning. A period of hard work is ending and I hope this new and difficult stage will finally lead us to what we have been waiting for. A lot of energy, both inside and outside of the country, is rapidly being generated.The opportunity to realize all that we said and wanted is within reach today. This movement just needs a strong theoretical support and strong practical support. And the best place, initially to support our movement is precisely here in Qom, in the midst of these dear ones who live, breathe and study for the realization of an Islamic government. They have dedicated their lives to the realization of an Islamic government.I think that right now the conditions are favorable, and I myself seek your help and am at your service as an individual whom, perhaps, has no importance in this movement.
The key is a movement, a huge movement. This is a movement, as you pointed out, which is itself a blessing requiring special care. God willing, these are the beginnings of a major upheaval on the planet.
As an individual who is a simple intermediary in this struggle but on whose shoulders weighs responsibility, I seek your help. We must mobilize all aspiring intellectuals and executives behind this movement for the realization of Islamic law, of Islamic justice and the establishment of a model Islamic society in our beloved homeland of Iran.It seems to me that this is possible; had it not been possible, we would not undertake this task. It is understood and expected that over there (in Teheran}, the organization is ready. And here too, if your honor and friends come together to form a responsible group to engage in the struggle, using all those who are willing; and also at the university, the same task is proposed. We can then move towards the operational embodiment of our points of view, and spread the Islamic culture.
You know better than I, the luminous phrase of his holiness the Imam Khomeini is a reality, is a truth, that today the world is thirsty for the pure Islamic culture. We have seen a few examples of this, all the young and their hopes and prayers, these young people from whom absolutely nothing is expected; they are all thirsty for that.
I see these things because I was in Tehran, but I also saw that certain individuals who do not take the long view may believe that others are unenlightened. However, when you meet them closely, you can see that this isn’t true. Their devotion is real.
If we present it as it should, everyone will come. By everyone I mean the vast majority of the people.
The people as a whole are not wicked. But there is less light in those with pretentions of scholarliness; and if there is any light, it is frankly unattractive.
The background of the people is good. They are devoted.
Last year we had a discussion with a great religious leader whom you all know. The discussion focused on how to respond to young people in the streets. I had an appointment and I wanted to have his opinion on an action I intended to conduct; he asked what I thought of it myself.
I told him that this is a futile undertaking. We have nothing to give these youth. They have never had a pure spirit. Many have not heard words like these in their own family.
At school or in the media they did not hear anything to help them understand the subject. But everywhere now a pure spirit is poured out on the people – in the Islamic Republic. The community has been at least educated for that. They have responded positively.
The people want to attain this pure Islamic culture and I believe the time is most favorable to spread the word far and wide, and for this I am at your service.
Let us hope that an organization will follow, while utilizing all of those who aspire to service. We have little time.
I expressed a critical interpretation of the movement's creation and on two or three occasions my interpretation was proven correct. I spoke with one of our great teachers, he agreed with me. In general, those who only see the face of an event believe that all parameters should be ready beforehand.
Remember after the victory of the revolution, some said it was premature. We did not have a good organization. We did not have the necessary armed forces. We had no plans. Those are limitations for men who can only count on themselves. Common logic does not apply to movements based on the divine will anddivine mercy.
When the human being reaches the threshold of this potential, he can bear the weight and the movement follows. Our revolution was that way. The Imam "said the reason that led to the revolution must also be preserved.”
The potential is there. I hope that what we believe and the change that we believe in will come as soon as possible. The potential is offered by God, and I am at your service.
Just as God protects us, the rest will come from far and wide and with spirituality.
For myself, as a Muslim Iranian, I benefited enormously from this wave of spirituality in our country that your holiness has accorded me, coming directly on the scene of events and directing them.I thank the Taliban present here, these dear men who act only for God and who lead this movement of truth. I know how much they have had to personally pay in Qom and elsewhere, I know that they have had to borrow money, that they have dedicated their lives to this service.
For those who have borne other difficulties, I thank you even though the one who thanks you more is God.Today is the most joyous of days for believers, and for our dear supreme guide. Forgive me, for this is all that I can do.
HerRoyalWhyness comments:
This mental midget has a very smooth demeanor, extraordinarily calm and secure in his belief - he appears hypnotized by his own fanaticism. Ahmadinijad appears to be mentally, emotionally, & physically prepared to die for his cause and, without reservation, he is (we suspect) willing & able to take us all with him.
Sadly, our bleeding heart, soft diplomacy POTUS & the weak kneed EU as well as the incompetent UN are not prepared to grant the mental midget his personal death wish to spare the masses.
It is clear Ahmadinijad has influence over at least two groups. First, the power hungry group, the shia mullahs - who successfully groomed this maniac mental midget into his devout hypnotic stupor - striving to emulate their 'prophet' for personal profit, gain and glory. Second, the group of ignorant but devout masses. With nuclear technology at their disposal, this presents an extraordinarily alarming and explosive combination.
We also need a definitive date. I've seen this same video tagged as having been filmed after Ahmadhimmijerker's FIRST election. If it is more recent that lends it quite a bit more urgency.
ReplyDeleteBernard-Henri Levy's book "Left In Dark Times" is quite good, btw. Reminds me of Fallaci in many ways.
Hmm. I don't know anything about Levy. I've heard of him from No Pasaran, but I know nothing of him.
ReplyDeleteFirst two minutes of video translated via google translate using the french subtitles:
ReplyDeleteJe remercie le tout puissant de m'avoir accorde
I thank the Almighty for granting me
l'occasion d'etre present en ce cher QOM et au mausolee de sainte Massoumeh, que dieu la benisse
the opportunity to be present in this dear and QOM holy mausoleum Massoumeh that god bless
et en votre sainte presence en compagnie des autres amis ici presents.
and your holy presence in the company of other friends here.
mais egalement de profiter de vous dire:
but also enjoy to say:
l'essentiel, vous l'aves dit juste titre
Essentially, you rightly said aves
la revolution islamique ne peut-etre reduite a un lieu ou un temps particulier ni a un espace-temps defini
the Islamic revolution can not be reduced to a place or a particular time or a defined space-time
et si nos efforts sont mis au service de Dieu et dans le mouvement de l'orbite de la creation
and if our efforts are used in the service of God and the movement in the orbit of the creation
ils perdureront et ils aboutiront a tous les reves et tous les espoirs.
they persist and lead to all the dreams and hopes.
Le combat contre le vice et pour l'application de la justice est source de joie
The fight against vice and the application of justice is joy
Mais la joie authentique sera au rendez-vous le jour ou le vrai voeu se realisera.
But the real joy will be there the day or the true desire to realize.
Et nous tous, nous devons nous activer dans le sens de la realisation de ce voeu essentiel.
And all of us, we must turn towards the realization of that desire essential.
A mon avis la revolution est en train de trouver son chemin.
I think the revolution is finding its way.
Un nouveau bouleversement a commence.
A new revolution has begun.
Un rude travail vient de s'achever, une periode difficile vient de s'achever, mais une periode plus dure debute.
Hard work has just ended a difficult period just ended, but a tougher period begins.
Un rude travail vient de s'achever, une periode J'espere que cette nouvelle etape difficile nous menera enfin a ce dont nous tous attendons.
Hard work has just ended, a period I hope that this difficult stage we finally leads to what we all expect.
Une energie immense, aussi a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur du pays, est entrain de se liberer rapidement
A huge energy, also inside and outside the country, is being released is quickly
Thanks. I didn't know you spoke French.
ReplyDeleteI don't speak or read French, but google tries. . .heh
ReplyDeletecontinuation of google translation thru 4:06 of video:
et elle veut se meltre au service de la republique islamique
and she wants to meltre to serve the Islamic republic
L'occasion de rialiser tout ce que nous disions et desirions est a portee de main aujourd'hui
The opportunity to rialise what we said and wanted is within reach today
L'occasion de realiser tout ce que nous disions et desirions est a portee de main aujourd'hui.
The opportunity to realize all that we said and wanted is within reach today.
Ce mouvement a juste besoin d'un soutien theorique fort et d'un soutien pratique fort.
This movement just needs a strong theoretical support and practical support strong.
Et le meilleur endroit, dans un premier temps our soutenir ce mouvement est precisement ici meme, a QOM,
And the best place, initially to support our movement is precisely here in Qom,
Au milieu de ces chers qui vivent, respirent, etudient pour la realisation d'un gouvernement islamique
In the midst of these ladies who live, breathe, studying for the realization of an Islamic government
Ceux-la ont mis leur vie au service de la realisation d'un gouvernement islamique.
They have put their lives in the service of the realization of an Islamic government.
il me semble qu'en ce moment les conditions sont favorables,
I think that right now the conditions are favorable,
et moi-meme je sollicite votre aide et suis a votre service en tant qu'un indidu qui, peut-etre, n'a aucune importance dans ce mouvement.
and myself I seek your help and am at your service as an individual whom, perhaps, has no importance in this movement.
L'essentiel est le mouvement, un immense mouvement.
The key is movement, a huge movement.
C'est un mouvement, comme vous l'avez fait remarque, qui est en soi une grace, une attention particuliere
This is a movement, as you pointed out, which is itself a grace, special attention
Inch Allah, ce sont les premices d'un grand bouleversement sur la planete.
Inch Allah, these are the beginnings of a major upheaval on the planet.
Comme un individu qui n'est qu'un simiple moyen dans cette affaire mais sur les epaules duquel pese la responsabilite, je sollicite votre aide.
As an individual who is a medium simiple in this case but on the shoulders which pese responsibility, I seek your help.
Il faut mobiliser tous les potentiels intellectuels et executifs derriere ce mouvement pour la realisation des lois islamiques,
We must mobilize all potentials and intellectuals executifs behind this movement for the realization of Islamic law,
de la justice islamique, et de l'instauration d'une societe modele islamique dans notre chere patrie de l'iran.
of Islamic justice and the establishment of a model Islamic society in our beloved homeland of Iran.
Sounds like he's got big ideas.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, "Inch Allah is "Insh'Allah" which means Allah-willing.
"Inch Allah" = The French subtitle nuance I suppose. I kinda appreciate it as a French insult.
ReplyDeletetranslation continues thru 6:04
il me semble que cela est possible,
it seems to me that this is possible,
Si cela n'avait pas ete possible, nous ne nous serions pas impose cette tache.
Had that not been possible, we would not impose this task.
Il est entendu et prevu que la-bas {a Teheran}, une organisation soit prete.
It is understood and expected that the low-{a Teheran}, an organization is ready.
Et ici aussi, si votre honneur et les amis se mettent ensemble pour former un groupe responsable et suivre cette affaire
And here too, if your honor and friends come together to form a group responsible and follow the case
en utilisant tous les potentiels
using all potential
et parallelement a l'universite, la meme tache est en projet.
and parallel to the university, the same task is proposed.
nous pourrons alors aller vers la concretisation operationnelle de nos points de vue, et repandre la culture islamique.
we can then go toward the operational points of view, and spread the Islamic culture.
vous le savez mieux que moi, la phrase lumineuse de sa saintete l imam {khomeyni} est une realite, est une verite,
you know better than me, the light sentence of his holiness the Imam Khomeini () is a reality, is a truth,
aujourd'hui le monde est assoiffe de la pure culture mahometaine
Today the world is thirsty for the pure culture mahometaine
Nous avons vu uelques exemples dans cet incident
We have seen examples OME in this incident
tous ces jeunes et leurs prieres, et leurs espoirs, ces jeunes dont on ne s'y attendait absoluement pas,
all these young people and their prayers and their hopes, these youths are not expected absolutely not
le monde est assoiffe de cela.
the world is thirsty for that.
Je vois des scenes, car j'etais a Teheran mais je voageais aussi, et ailleurs c'etait pareil
I see scenes, because I was in Teheran I voageais but also and moreover it was such
Certains individus qui n'ont pas la vue longue peuvent croire que d'autre individus n'ont plus aucune lumiere en eux.
Some individuals who do not have the long view may think that other people have no light in them.
Mais quand on les rencontre de pres, on voit que ce n'est pas ainsi. Ce sont d'authentiques amoureux.
But when you meet them closely, we see that it is not. It is true love.
Si nous presentons les choses comme il faut, tout le monde viendra. Tout le monde veut dire la grande majorite du peuple.
If we present it as it should, everyone will come. Everyone wants the vast majority of the people.
translation continued through 8:01
ReplyDeleteLe peuple dans son ensemble n'est pas mechant
The people as a whole is not mechant
Mais on trouve moins de lumiere chez ceux qui ont des pretentions d'analyse
But there is less light in those with pretentions of analysis
et s'il y a de la lumiere, elle n'est franchement pas attractive.
and there is light, it is frankly not attractive.
Le fond du peuple est bon. Ils sont amoureux.
The background of the people is good. They are in love.
L'annee derniere, nous avons eu une discussion avec un grand religieux que vous connaissez tous.
Last year we had a discussion with a religious as you all know.
La discussion portait sur la facon de reagir face aux jeunes dans les rues,
The discussion focused on how to respond to young people in the streets,
J'avais un rendez-vous et je voulais avoir son avis sur une acton que je comptais mener, il m'a demande ce que j'en pensais moi meme
I had an appointment and I wanted to have his opinion on a acton I intended to conduct, he asked what I thought me meme
Je lui ai dit que c'est une mauvaise action. Nous n'avons rien donne a la jeunesse.
I told him that this is a bad action. We have nothing gives youth.
Ils n'ont jamais eu un souffle pur.
They never had a pure blast.
Beaucoup n'ont rien entendu de ce genre de paroles au sein de leur famille.
Many have not heard such words in their family.
A l'ecole ou dans les medias non plus ils n'ont rien entendu pour comprendre le sujet.
A school or in the media either did not hear anything to understand the subject.
Mais partout ou une respiration pure a souffle sur les peuples
But everywhere or breathing pure a blow on the people
- en republique islamique. la communaute a ete au moins eduquee pour ca -
But everywhere or breathing pure a blow on the people-in the Islamic Republic. the community has been educated to at least ca --
il ont reagi positivement.
he responded positively.
Les peuples veulent atteindre cette culture pure {mahometaine}
The people want to reach this pure culture {mahometaine}
et a mon avis le moment de la diffuser est plus propice et dans une plus large etendue
and I think the timing of the broadcast and is more conducive to a larger scope
en ce moment et {pour cela} je suis a votre service.
at this time, and {for that} I am at your service.
Esperons qu'une organisation suivra egalement en utilisant tous les potentiels.
Esperons an organization will also follow through all the potential.
Nous avons peu de temps.
We have little time.
J'avais une interpretation du mouvement essentiel de la creation
I had a critical interpretation of the movement of creation
Levy does seem to be pretty clear about the date. I think the gist of the other translation I saw last week was Ahmadinejad saying that all was ready for them to put into action that which they had been waiting for to bring about worldwide Islamic submission and that "Tehran" was ready and just needed their support and go-ahead.
ReplyDeletetranslation continues through 10:00:
ReplyDeleteet a deux ou trois occasions, cela s'est passe, c'est que mon interpretation s'est averee juste.
and two or three occasions, this happened is that my interpretation was proven correct.
J'en ai parle avec un de nos grans maitres, il etait d'accord avec moi.
I spoke with one of our grans teachers, he agreed with me.
En general, ceux qui ne voient que l'apparence pensent que pour un evenement,
In general, those who do believe that the appearance for an event,
tous les parametres doivent etre prealablement prets.
all parameters should be ready beforehand.
Souvenez vous apres la victoire de la revolution, certains disaient qu'elle etait prematuree.
Remember after the victory of the revolution, some said it was premature.
Nous n'avions pas encore une bonne organisation. Nous n'avions pas les forces armees necessaires.
We did not have sound. We did not have the necessary armed forces.
Nous n'avions pas de projets. Ceux las sont les parametres pour les homme qui ne comptent que sur eux meme.
We had no projects. Las Those are the parameters for the man who can only count on themselves.
La logique commune ne s'applique pas aux mouvements qui s'appuient sur la volonte divine et la misericorde divine
The common logic does not apply to movements based on the divine will and divine mercy
Quand l'etre humain arrive au seuil de ce potentiel, il peut supporter le poids et le mouvement suit.
When the human being reaches the threshold of this potential, it can support the weight and movement follows.
Notre revolution fut ainsi. L'imam a << dit la raison qui a mene a la revolution l'a egalement preservee >>
Our revolution was. The Imam was "said the reason that led to the revolution has also preserved>>
Le potentiel est la. J'espere que ce que nous pensons et les bouleversements que nous pensons arriveront le plus vite possible.
The potential is there. I hope that what we believe and we believe that changes will come as soon as possible.
Le potentiel est offert par Dieu, et moi je suis a votre service.
The potential is offered by God, and I am at your service.
De la meme facon que Dieu nous protege, le reste arrivera avec etendue et spiritualite.
Just as God protects us, the rest will come with extensive and spirituality.
Pour ce qui me concerne, en tant qu'un Iranien musulman, j'ai enormement profite de cette vague de spiritualite dans notre pays
For myself, as a Muslim Iranian, I benefited enormously from this wave of spirituality in our country
que votre saintete m'a accorde en venant directement sur la scene des evenement et en les dirigeant.
that gives me your holiness coming directly from the scene of the event and the leader.
balance of translation
ReplyDeleteJe remercie les Talibans ici presents, ces chers qui n'agissent que pour Dieu et qui menent ce mouvement de verite immense.
I thank the Taliban here, these ladies that do that for God and who lead this vast movement of truth.
Je sais a quel point ils ont paye de leur personne a Qom et ailleurs, 10:35 je sais qu'ils ont emprunte de l'argent, qu'ils ont mis leur vie a ce service.
I know how much they pay themselves a Qom and elsewhere, 10:35 I know they have borrowed money, they put their lives in this service.
je sais qu'ils ont emprunte de l'argent, qu'ils ont mis leur vie a ce service.
I know they have borrowed money, they put their lives in this service.
D'autres ont supporte d'autres difficultes,
Other bears have other difficulties,
je vous remercie meme si celui qui vous remercie plus que tout est Dieu.
I thank you even if you thank that everything is God.
Aujourd'hui est la plus joyeuse des journees pour les croyants
Today is the most joyous of days for believers
et pour notre cher guide supreme. Et pardonnez-moi, c'est tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir.
and our beloved supreme guide. And forgive me, it's all in my power.
I thank the Almighty for granting me the opportunity to be present in this dear and QOM holy mausoleum Massoumeh that god bless and your holy presence in the company of other friends here but also enjoy to say: Essentially, you rightly said aves the Islamic revolution can not be reduced to a place or a particular time or a defined space-time and if our efforts are used in the service of God and the movement in the orbit of the creation they persist and lead to all the dreams and hopes.
ReplyDeleteThe fight against vice and the application of justice is joy. But the real joy will be there the day or the true desire to realize. And all of us, we must turn towards the realization of that desire essential. I think the revolution is finding its way. A new revolution has begun. Hard work has just ended a difficult period just ended, but a tougher period begins. Hard work has just ended, a period I hope that this difficult stage we finally leads to what we all expect.
A huge energy, also inside and outside the country, is being released is quickly
and she wants to meltre to serve the Islamic republic. The opportunity to realise what we said and wanted is within reach today.
This movement just needs a strong theoretical support and practical support strong.
And the best place, initially to support our movement is precisely here in Qom, in the midst of these ladies who live, breathe, studying for the realization of an Islamic government. They have put their lives in the service of the realization of an Islamic government. I think that right now the conditions are favorable, and myself I seek your help and am at your service as an individual whom, perhaps, has no importance in this movement.
The key is movement, a huge movement. This is a movement, as you pointed out, which is itself a grace, special attention Insh'Allah, these are the beginnings of a major upheaval on the planet.
As an individual who is a medium simiple in this case but on the shoulders which pese responsibility, I seek your help. We must mobilize all potentials and intellectuals executifs behind this movement for the realization of Islamic law, of Islamic justice and the establishment of a model Islamic society in our beloved homeland of Iran. It seems to me that this is possible.
Had that not been possible, we would not impose this task. It is understood and expected that the low-{a Teheran}, an organization is ready. And here too, if your honor and friends come together to form a group responsible and follow the case using all potential and parallel to the university, the same task is proposed.
We can then go toward the operational points of view, and spread the Islamic culture. You know better than me, the light sentence of his holiness {the Imam Khomeini} is a reality, is a truth. Today the world is thirsty for the pure culture mahometaine.
We have seen examples OME in this incident, all these young people and their prayers and their hopes, these youths are not expected absolutely not the world is thirsty for that. to be continued
I see scenes, because I was in Teheran I voageais but also and moreover it was such. Some individuals who do not have the long view may think that other people have no light in them. But when you meet them closely, we see that it is not. It is true love. If we present it as it should, everyone will come. Everyone wants the vast majority of the people. The people as a whole is not mechant. But there is less light in those with pretentions of analysis and there is light, it is frankly not attractive.
ReplyDeleteThe background of the people is good. They are in love. Last year we had a discussion with a religious as you all know. The discussion focused on how to respond to young people in the streets. I had an appointment and I wanted to have his opinion on a action I intended to conduct, he asked what I thought me meme.
I told him that this is a bad action. We have nothing gives youth. They never had a pure blast. Many have not heard such words in their family. A school or in the media either did not hear anything to understand the subject. But everywhere or breathing pure a blow on the people-in the Islamic Republic. the community has been educated to at least ca -- he responded positively.
The people want to reach this pure culture {mahometaine} and I think the timing of the broadcast and is more conducive to a larger scope at this time, and {for that} I am at your service.
Esperons an organization will also follow through all the potential. We have little time. I had a critical interpretation of the movement of creation and two or three occasions, this happened is that my interpretation was proven correct.
I spoke with one of our grans teachers, he agreed with me. In general, those who do believe that the appearance for an event, all parameters should be ready beforehand.
Remember after the victory of the revolution, some said it was premature. We did not have sound. We did not have the necessary armed forces. We had no projects. Las Those are the parameters for the man who can only count on themselves.
The common logic does not apply to movements based on the divine will and divine mercy. When the human being reaches the threshold of this potential, it can support the weight and movement follows. Our revolution was. The Imam was "said the reason that led to the revolution has also preserved".
The potential is there. I hope that what we believe and we believe that changes will come as soon as possible. The potential is offered by God, and I am at your service. Just as God protects us, the rest will come with extensive and spirituality.
For myself, as a Muslim Iranian, I benefited enormously from this wave of spirituality in our country that gives me your holiness coming directly from the scene of the event and the leader.
I thank the Taliban here, these ladies that do that for God and who lead this vast movement of truth. I know how much they pay themselves a Qom and elsewhere, 10:35 I know they have borrowed money, they put their lives in this service. Other bears have other difficulties.
I thank you even if you thank that everything is God. Today is the most joyous of days for believers and our beloved supreme guide. And forgive me, it's all in my power.
The written part above seems to say this:
ReplyDeleteThis video is quite extraordinary. Filmed without the knowledge of the subjects, secretly removed from Iran, it shows Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Qom [an Iranian city southwest of Tehran], accompanied by his mentor, the Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, as well as a group of students and faithful. The video was taken out of Iran over the Internet. It is dated June 13, 2009, the day after the alleged victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (the date tends to be corroborated by the repeated expressions of gratitude for the announced goal of "radical Islamization"). It is not known who captured these images, then chose to disseminate them, but it appears to have been done by a member of the same group, perhaps by a cell phone. This is a private meeting of a small committee whose matters do not visibly address themselves to the masses, but do address the initiated, sometimes in coded language. You see the "President Non-Elect" thank his mentor and guests for their support and services rendered (for what?). He assures them that, thanks to their aid, the "great victory" (for what?) is near. The whole thing is in a tone and terminology of which the messianic tenor is particularly obvious. Watch it.
Note: the key to a good translation is not to be too literal. Don't just mechanically translate the words into English, translate the MEANING.
Here's my try at the first part of the subtitles. I can work on the rest this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI thank the Almighty for allowing me to be here in the dear city of Qom and at the mausoleum of Saint Massoumeh, whom God blesses, and in your saintly presence in the company of the other friends here, but also for the opportunity to tell you what is essential.
You have rightly stated that the Islamic revolution cannot be reduced to a particular place or time, and if our efforts are placed in the service of God and the orbit of creation they will endure and we will realize all of our dreams and hopes.
The fight against vice and for justice is a source of joy, but the real joy will come on the day that our true prayer is answered. All of us must strive for the fulfillment of this essential prayer.
I think the revolution is finding its way. A new upheaval has begun.
A period of hard work is coming to an end but a more difficult period is beginning. A period of hard work is ending and I hope this new and difficult stage will finally lead us to what we have been waiting for.
A lot of energy, both inside and outside of the country, is rapidly being generated.
Here's the next part. The translation wasn't too bad, but there are some misspelled French words that the translation software couldn't process. Here it is.
ReplyDeleteand she wants to place in service to the Islamic republic
The opportunity to realize all that we said and wanted is within reach today.
This movement just needs a strong theoretical support and strong practical support.
And the best place, initially to support our movement is precisely here in Qom, in the midst of these dear ones who live, breathe and study for the realization of an Islamic government.
They have dedicated their lives to the realization of an Islamic government.
I think that right now the conditions are favorable, and I myself seek your help and am at your service as an individual whom, perhaps, has no importance in this movement.
The key is movement, a huge movement.
This is a movement, as you pointed out, which is itself a blessing requiring special care.
Insh’Allah, these are the beginnings of a major upheaval on the planet.
As an individual who is a simple intermediary in this struggle but on whose shoulders weighs responsibility, I seek your help.
We must mobilize all aspiring intellectuals and executives behind this movement for the realization of Islamic law, of Islamic justice and the establishment of a model Islamic society in our beloved homeland of Iran.
Here's the next part, cleaned up.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that this is possible; had it not been possible, we would not undertake this task.
It is understood and expected that over there (in Teheran}, the organization is ready.
And here too, if your honor and friends come together to form a responsible group to engage in the struggle, using all those willing, and also at the university, the same task is proposed.
We can then move towards the operational embodiment of our points of view, and spread the Islamic culture.
You know better than I, the luminous phrase of his holiness the Imam Khomeini is a reality, is a truth, that today the world is thirsty for the pure Islamic culture.
We have seen a few examples of this, all the young and their hopes and prayers, these young people from whom absolutely nothing is expected; they are all thirsty for that.
I see these things because I was in Tehran, but I also saw that certain individuals who do not take the long view may believe that others are unenlightened. However, when you meet them closely, you can see that this isn’t true. Their devotion is real.
If we present it as it should, everyone will come. By everyone I mean the vast majority of the people.
The people as a whole are not wicked. But there is less light in those with pretentions of scholarliness; and if there is any light, it is frankly unattractive.
The background of the people is good. They are devoted.
Last year we had a discussion with a great religious leader whom you all know.
The discussion focused on how to respond to young people in the streets,
I had an appointment and I wanted to have his opinion on a action I intended to conduct, he asked what I thought of it myself.
I told him that this is a futile undertaking. We have nothing to give youth. They have never had a pure spirit.
Many have not heard such words in their family.
At school or in the media they did not hear anything to understand the subject.
But everywhere a pure spirit is poured out on the people – in the Islamic Republic. The community has been at least educated for that. They have responded positively.
The people want to attain this pure Islamic culture and I believe the time is most favorable to spread the word far and wide, and for this I am at your service.
Esperons qu'une organisation suivra egalement en utilisant tous les potentiels.
Let us hope that an organization will follow, while utilizing all of those who aspire to service.
We have little time.
I had a critical interpretation of the movement of creation and on two or three occasions my interpretation was proven correct.
I spoke with one of our great teachers, he agreed with me.
En general, ceux qui ne voient que l'apparence pensent que pour un evenement,
In general, those who only see the appearance of an event believe that all parameters should be ready beforehand.
Remember after the victory of the revolution, some said it was premature.
We did not have a good organization. We did not have the necessary armed forces.
We had no plans. Those are the boundaries for men who can only count on themselves. Common logic does not apply to movements based on the divine will and divine mercy.
When the human being reaches the threshold of this potential, he can support the weight and the movement follows.
Our revolution was that way. The Imam "said the reason that led to the revolution has also preserved.”
Le potentiel est la. J'espere que ce que nous pensons et les bouleversements que nous pensons arriveront le plus vite possible.
The potential is there. I hope that what we believe and the change that we believe in will come as soon as possible.
The potential is offered by God, and I am at your service.
Just as God protects us, the rest will come from far and wide and with spirituality.
For myself, as a Muslim Iranian, I benefited enormously from this wave of spirituality in our country that your holiness has accorded me, coming directly on the scene of the events and directing them.
Here's the last part, now I am going to bed!
ReplyDeleteI thank the Taliban present here, these dear men who act only for God and who lead this movement of truth.
I know how much they have had to personally pay in Qom and elsewhere, I know that they have had to borrow money, that they have dedicated their lives to this service.
For those who have borne other difficulties, I thank you even though the one who thanks you more is God.
Today is the most joyous of days for believers, and for our dear supreme guide. Forgive me, for this is all that I can do.
Stogie stated: "Note: the key to a good translation is not to be too literal. Don't just mechanically translate the words into English, translate the MEANING."
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Thank you for posting the corrected translation.
As a most-impatient-potential-but-most-unwilling-casualty of this mental midget's grand scheme, I rushed to try and decipher the video taped message to satisfy my own curiosity. Your efforts to clarify are most appreciated.
This mental midget has a very smooth demeanor, extraordinarily calm and secure in his belief - he appears hypnotized by his own fanaticism. Ahmadinijad appears to be mentally, emotionally, & physically prepared to die for his cause and, without reservation, he is (we suspect) willing & able to take us all with him.
Sadly, our bleeding heart, soft diplomacy POTUS & the weak kneed EU as well as the incompetent UN are not prepared to grant the mental midget his personal death wish to spare the masses.
It is clear Ahmadinijad has influence over at least two groups. First, the power hungry group, the shia mullahs - who successfully groomed this maniac mental midget into his devout hypnotic stupor - striving to emulate their 'prophet' for personal profit, gain and glory. Second, the group of ignorant but devout masses. With nuclear technology at their disposal, this presents an extraordinarily alarming and explosive combination.
Herroyalwhyness: This has been a team effort. I merely built on the enormous amount of work that you put in.
ReplyDeleteI see my translation needs some editing -- I forgot to remove some of the French phrases that I was using. Pas, you should remove any remaining French phrases. Or I can do it and resend it if you prefer.
If he wishes for a shitty war, will end up findin' it!! They'll all be dead together, the iranian hellish-ayatollas and Taliban.
ReplyDeleteI hope it doesn't come to that, but you are right, if they really want to mess with the U.S. and/or Israel, it will not end well for them.