
Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Liberals (Like Myself And Yourself) Should Think About Iran

Submitted for you're approvel.

From IraqWarWrong:

As liberals, we sometimes have a struggle figuring out how to react to the events of the day (Current events). Should be be for something. Should we be against something. What do dhingers think because we want to make sure were the opposite. Which side will make there be higher taxes because that's the liberal side. And so on. It's all very complicated.

So on Iran I thought I'd run down teh basics in a primer for you. So you can know what to think What your suppose to think. As liberals.

1. Iran is a Muslim Country. We like Muslim's. As liberal's, Muslims is pretty much are favorite religion. Because first of all, there a minority. Second of all, it's the largest and fastest-growing religion in the world. Third of all, the don't like dhingers or the U.S., which we respect. As liberals. This feeling Muslims have of disliking America because of how America caused all there problems in particular is something we need to make sure to nurture and coddle and play up. (Because of respect)

2. So we support Iran. That means to say, we support the government of Iran. Which is Ahmadinejad fair and square. We're pretty impressed by how much he represents not only himself but all Iranians everwhere, and indeed, all Muslim's everwhere. We can tell this on account of how much he hates Amreica (and Israel) and America. Anyone who hates America and Israel that much must be a authentic voice of Muslim's. In fact if ther'es a Muslim who doesn't visciously hate Israel/Amreica I get kinda of suspicious. Like, are they CIA tools? 

3. Well but now there was a disputed election (recount/protest/ect) wherein, Ahmadinejad (the true ruler of Iran) but there was a another guy (who there was protesting that he really won). Now. As liberals we like democracy and all. But the thing is, this is now become a attack against the GOVERNMENT OF IRAN. Which is Muslim's (Muslim Country). That's not good. 

4. Now don't be fooled though . At first I saw only some fires and youths on a TV with the sound down (at my work at the investment bank - I was down on the trading floor and it was tune to CNBC and they were showing it briefly something about Iran, but than it went back to that guy with the blue shirt and sleeves rolled up (Jim Cramar?). And when I saw those fires and youths and rocks, I figured that presumably this was probably something that I, as liberals, ought to be in support of. But that was before I knew all the facts. Fact: this is a protest against the GOVERNMENT OF IRAN. Fact: which is a MUSLIM COUNTRY. 

5. And one more final Fact (probably most improtant): dhingers don't like Ahmadinejad. Dhingers are running around saying the election was stolen and I guess the want the other guy in there. So how can we, as liberals, in good consciense, not be on the side of the Iranian people (which is the Iranian government (which is Ahmadinejad) against DHINGERS? I think taht pretty much says it all right there. Once I realized that, it's all I needed to make up my mind who to support in Iran. 

As a liberal.



  1. FFS, wtf?

    English is far from being my first language but even I don't spell "Muslim's", "liberal's", "all there problems".

  2. This guy is barely literate. He cannot even write a simple declarative sentence. He does not know the difference between "there" and "their." Aside from his premise being completely whacked out, how can anyone take him seriously? His diatribe was not even amusing.

  3. Lol, Pasto, I like your comment at his "blog".

  4. Well, he can bow, kiss his ring, and call him “Supreme Leader” all he wants… but these blood-soaked tyrants are laughing at Obambi. It doesn’t matter what Obama says to the Mullahs now… they lost all respect for him when he started sending them adoring fan mail. They know this smiley plastic mannequin isn’t going to do anything.
    Ronald Reagan’s support of Poland’s Solidarity in the dark days of the Soviet-ordered crackdown is the model here… not the preposterous straw-man argument of “what are you going to do, invade?” disingenuously presented by the do-nothing, Obama-pologist left.
    And isn’t this what George W Bush told you was going to happen in the Middle East in the wake of Iraq’s liberation?
    Maybe that’s why Barack Obama has so little apparent interest in finishing the job in Iran… no matter how much it benefits the US and free world.
    That, and the fact that he’s already piled all his chips on legitimizing this vile regime- and a democratic revolution at this point would be downright embarrassing for him.
