
Friday, July 31, 2009

The After Party Radio Show

Fu2rman and I did another radio show last night. Click here to listen, I think you will enjoy it.

Topics included:

Hot Dog on a Stick girls squeezing lemons (my lemon?). 

Lamar Odom finally signs with the Lakers, for less money? Dengler & The Fu2rman know why. 

We discuss David Ortiz the latest steroid user, and steroids in general. 

The movie Idiocracy was set 500 years in the fu2r, but is it already here? 

Finally we get to the Obama Beer Summit, and Obama tells us he fixed the economy, go eatcupcakes! Is it Marie Antoinette time for him?


  1. Enjoyed the show, very funny, just 2 things to add: I think I read somewhere that the stupid girl is Miss California Teen and second there is no proof Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake", it is more an urban legend.

  2. Yep, you're right about the Marie Antoinette "quote". I actually knew that, but went with it anyway, for the sake of comedy.


    I so hope that girl is Miss California. That would be just perfect.

  3. Yeah, I bet. He like "Apple Pie", right?

    He's such a racist.

  4. Michael,

    I'm glad you listened to our new radio show. I hope you enjoyed it.
