
Friday, July 31, 2009

Halal Guide Ponies In Chicago?

Hat tip to PaleoCon Command Center, citing this source:
"One woman in Chicago has found an original way to live with her disability. She is blind, and says her Muslim faith forbids the use of a guide dog. Instead, she's found a replacement -- the guide horse."
Brooke, the webmistress at PaleoCon Command Center, says:
Um... Is the pony potty-trained as a dog would be, or does it just 'go' like most horses do? Are businesses and public places required to give this Muslima and her pony access?

I get making exceptions for those with disabilities, but a horse? That's just a wee bit bigger than a guide dog.

If a dog is haram, I would suggest a guide pig, as I hear they are quite intelligent, cute, and would fit better in most public places... Heh.
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of Islam.

Better watch out for pony pies on the public transportation system of Chicago and possibly in other public places as well.


  1. What's next? A Meccan horse instead of an American one?

  2. Muslim cabbies tried to prevent seeing eye dogs from entering their vehicles and lost.

    Can a horse fit in a cab? And how many passengers will a horse displace on a train, subway, bus or (dare I ask) plane? The horse will cause all kinds of safety hazards by blocking the aisles for emergency exits. Consider how easy it is to spook a horse and the enormity of hazard a panicked horse can cause.

    Can transit organizations afford to permit/inflict this totally unnecessary insanity upon normal society?

  3. For what it's worth, here is a video which demonstrates and thoroughly explains the speed and damage done by a trained horse that was easily spooked by the sounds of his own hooves.
    Horse Kicks Rider's Face

    Now, consider the potential for danger to all, including the blind muslima, in any confined public environment, including shopping malls, schools, elevators etc. where any sudden movement or sound, be it from a siren, fire-cracker, back-firing vehicle, drill, jack-hammer, cell phone even a barking dog has the potential to spook this horse.

    This is just a very very bad idea.

  4. Interesting point. What if a mother with a baby were sitting next to the pony if/when it spooks. Such a large animal could easily kill a child in an enclosed area.
