
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Honduran Pro-Micheletti Rallies

Photos courtesy of Babalu Blog and Weasel Zippers.


  1. Look at those crowds. Like a mini-version of Tehran. Even sportin' an American Flag.

    I tell ya FREEDOM is just tryin' to bust out all over the place. We should be proud to be the Leader of the Free Wor. . .

    Oh, wait, hold it a second. . .

    Uh huh. . .yes. . .really?. . .you don't say. . .yes, I understand perfectly. . .

    Disregard the proud to be a leader piece. That was under the previous administration. The new one would rather not meddle with FREEDOM and supports Fascist Bastards, Tyrants, murderous regimes and tinpot dictators worldwide. It is the hopenchange America voted for.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled Jihad.


  2. Honduras is a very poor country, ripe to be exploited and coaxed into socialism but in spite of that the good people there, by and large reject socialism and the path Mel Zelaya is trying to lead them down.

    As opposed to denouncing them, the US should be commending one of our prime trading partners in Latin America.

    Honduras does 4 billion dollars in trade with the state of Florida alone and the bulk of many fruits and maquillas which produce clothing/apparel emanates in Honduras, from long standing US companies.

    Elections will be held as scheduled in November, between Elvin Santos and Pepe Lobo....and in January they will have a new, democratically elected President, again, free of Chavez influence.

  3. Go on home everybody, you're not doing democracy properly! Nothing to see here folks, so just go on home, ok? Please go home now? Uhh, Simon says?
