
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Nuclear Attacks In The U.S.?

A very important and informative post from Atlas Shrugs:

I am unclear as to why the government chooses to keep this from the American people. The easy answer is that "we don't want people to panic". Understood, but blissful ignorance is not a strategy; wouldn't we be better off knowing and educating ourselves as to who the enemy is, the ideology that motivates him and what is his objective?

Before you read on, bookmark this page: Atlas Shrugs: WHAT TO DO IF A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS IMMINENT.

While the following explosive revelations are  unnerving, it pales in comparison to the recent moves Obama has taken to dismantle the very safeguards we have in place to track terrorists. Further, law enforcement is now focusing on outreach, not investigation. We extend a hand, they chop it off.

This from a confidential source of mine, Jan P:

I once had a client “The Rule of Law consortium” headed by the late David Braunheim. The rule of Law Consortium had an AID contract to help former Soviet countries establish new, Democratic legal systems.

I was in their office one day when they came back from a seminar given by a former KGB agent. This agent said that 10 or 12 suitcase nuclear bombs had disappeared from Russia and were presumed to be in the hands of the Arabs. This article from 1997 claims that 100 were missing. The date of the story, 1997, is about the time that I heard about the seminar.

JFK Terminal Plot

The second attempt that I know of is the JFK terrorist plot. When the plot was announced to the public, we were told that the terrorists planned to blow up fuel tanks at JFK and that the fire would spread through the pipelines into Brooklyn. I have had enough science classes (college level) to know that this could not possibly happen.

Reports mentioned an Arab terrorist named Shukrijumah. Shukrijumah’s name came up in some news reports. I did research and found references to him on the island of Trinidad. At least one of them had Shukrijumah talking about having a nuclear bomb on the north end of the island. Some of those sites have disappeared.

Gerard group has an excellent piece: Focus on the Caribbean

The terrorist was last seen in Mexico, where, on Nov. 1, 2004, he allegedly hijacked a Piper PA Pawnee cropduster from Ejido Queretaro near Mexacli to transport a nuclear weapon and nuclear equipment into the U.S. The plane's tail number was XBCYP.

An indirect source in Ha’aretz Bitahon b’ Artzot habrit said that at least one nuclear bomb was captured in the JFK plot.

Another source, whom I know personally, told me that at least one nuclear bomb was captured as part of the JFK Plot.

The JFK bust was covered here at Atlas  extensively. 

Excerpt from Atlas: 

"He had a vision that would make the WTC attack seem small."


  Kennedy Airport Terror Plot Thwarted 

The official said the plotters had conducted surveillance on giant jet fuel tanks at JFK and the pipeline. They had taken surveillance video of the targets and took it to Trinidad to review the tape, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the arrests were not yet announced.

These Islamic terrorists have been tentatively tied to Jamaat Muslimeen -- "struggle for Islam" -- originating from Trinidad (the Caribbean is now a hot spot.) Places you least expect.

The JFK terror mosque here.

It seems that a Parliamentarian was involved in this plot. Yes, a government official.

One suspect, a U.S. citizen who is a native of Guyana and who once worked at the airport, was described by a source as "a very angry Muslim extremist."

In all, four individuals, including the former Guyana parliament member, Abdul Kadir, and RussellAbdulkadir Defreitas, a U.S. citizen and native of Guyana who worked as an airport cargo worker, have been charged with conspiring to attack JFK. (Photo: Abdul Kadir - on the left)

Also in custody are Kareem Ibrahim, a citizen of Trinidad held in Trinidad, and Abdel Nur, a citizen of Guyana. The United States is planning to seek their extradition.

Roslynn Mauskopf, US attorney for the Eastern District of New York: "The most chilling plot imaginable." The damage and carnage impossible to fathom. The devastation that  would be caused is just unthinkable."

Plot spread from NY to Guyana  and Trinidad.

" Huge concern about the fuel line. The feeding tube that feeds international commerce, airport, residences." "The Buckeye Pipeline (orginates from Allentown Pa.), a 40 million fuel line, runs from New Jersey to Nassau (JFK) ......" It is the central fuel line. 

"This plot similar and different to ones in the past (the Lincoln tunnel planned blow up, the '93 stock exchange plot, the Financial District plot) . It is different as it is tied to the Caribbean. Similiar in that it is a self radicalized New Yorker plotting to betray his country with a catastrophic event."

The plot began in the US and then spread to Trinidad and Guyana, officials said.

The group had shown unusual persistence, seeking finance and expert advice and gathering photographic and video surveillance as well as satellite images, said Mr Mershon.

"This is a very determined group," he said.
"Look at the world through the eyes, through the prism of September 11th."

One of the suspects (Defreitas - sp?) was quoted as saying:  "the attacks would result in the destruction of the whole of JFK and destroy whole parts of Queens. Few people would survive."

"Even the twin towers can't touch it. This would destroy the whole US economy"

The complaint adds that an informant and Defreitas discussed the war in Lebanon in August 2006 and agreed, "Muslims always incur the wrath of the world while the Jews get a pass."

It was at that point, court records say, Defreitas shared with the informant "that he had a vision that would make the WTC attack seem small."

Jamaat Muslimeen (in Trinidad) is the terror group behind the JFK plot

Jihad In Trinidad INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted 1/23/2007


Al Qaeda's so-called nuclear whiz kid - a "tantalizing terror figure" with a $5 million bounty on his head - was the radical big shot investigators had hoped to snag in their 18-month JFK-plot probe, The Post has learned.

The name of "invisible hand" Adnan Gulshair el-Shukrijumah, reportedly the man Osama bin Laden tapped to lead a previous scheme to detonate nuclear bombs simultaneously in several U.S. cities, came up at several points in taped conversations during the probe, according to law-enforcement sources familiar with the investigation.

Shukrijumah grew up in Guyana, according to terror expert and author Paul L. Williams. Shukrijumah's late father, Gulshair, an Islamic scholar, once served as a temporary imam at Brooklyn's al-Farouq mosque, which is well-known in radical circles, Williams said.

The mosque has connections to a scheme to fund an al Qaeda-linked sheik as well as one of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.   


Some terror experts think 31-year-old Shukrijumah is among a handful of up-and-coming leaders of al Qaeda handpicked by Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, to keep the terrorist network running.

Apparently hoping to be part of that network was suspected JFK-plot mastermind Russell Defreitas, 63.

Defreitas, a native of Guyana and former cargo worker at the airport, landed on the authorities' radar after approaching a drug dealer-turned-informant at a mosque at Bedford Avenue and Fulton Street in Brooklyn, allegedly seeking help.


Kareem Ibrahim, of Trinidad, and another suspect, Abdul Kadir, of Guyana, were in custody in Trinidad awaiting extradition hearings. Kadir is a former mayor of the Guyanese coal-mining town of Linden and a one-time radical member of the country's parliament.

Kadir was arrested as he boarded the plane to Venezuela - where his family said he planned to pick up a travel visa to attend an Islamic religious conference in Iran.


Adnan el-Shukrijumah: The man commissioned to nuke U.S.


Adnan G. El Shukrijumah is a Saudi terror suspect with a $5 million bounty on his head. The FBI has been hunting him for over three years. He has been billed as the “next Mohammed Atta.”

Adnan Shukrijunah the son of Saudi funded Wahabi cleric in Miramar, Florida USA was named by US law enforcement as 'Mohammed Atta's sucessor' based on information from Khalid Sheik Mohammed the 9/11 mastermind who was captured in Pakistan in 2003. Adnan is a former resident of Miramar, South Florida, where he attended computer and English classes at Broward Community College in 1997. A native of Guyana, El Shukrijumah's father, Gulshai, died in Miramar on June 2004.

Being the father of an aspiring dirty bomber with terrorist ties to terrorist going back 20 years, and having one's name on the Saudi payroll appears to have been a job asset for Adnan Shukrijumah's father Gulshair. After the Al Hirjah mosque next to his Miramar home supposedly asked him to step down, due to unwanted publicity, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout, the director of AMANA- The American Muslim Society of North America, ,and a Shukrijumah family friend offered "the Sheik' a place on the board of directors of the Shamshuddin Islamic Center.

In 2003 Gulshair intimated that losing his $500 dollar a month position as Imam at Al Hijrah would bring financial hardship to him and his family. He sniveled to the press that "I feel very said because I have done no wrong", and declared that "if my son is suspect in something it does not mean that I too am also suspect."

According to Michael Isikoff's and Mark Hosenball's April 2004 Newsweek investigative articles into Saudi government terror funding:

"The Florida based Imam (Gulshair Shukrijumah), has been on the FBI radar screen for some time."

"In response to the U.S. calls for tighter controls the Saudi government terminated payments to Gulshair El Shukrijumah, along with a number of other clerics being supported by the embassy."

Gulshair Shukrijumah collected $19,400 dollars in checks from the Saudi embassy between 2000 and 2003 . He also acted as interpreter for the 'Blind Sheik' Omar Abdel Rahman who masterminded the 1993 WTC bombings, as well as plots to bomb other U.S. landmarks, and instigated attacks abroad.

Shukrijumah, described as a pilot and bombmaker, and is also known by several aliases and nicknames, including "Jaffar the Pilot”, was among several suspected al-Qaeda figures who met in the northwestern province of Waziristan in Pakistan during March 2004, according to the Los Angeles Times and other publications. Pakistani officials said that meeting also was attended by Osama bin Laden lieutenant Abu Eisa al Hindi, an Indian convert to radical Islam and surveillance specialist living in Britain, Mohammed Junaid Babar, a Pakistani-American who arrived at the summit with cash, sleeping bags and ponchos and communications engineer Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, whose computer discs allegedly contained surveillance reports for a planned attack on buildings in the United States and Britain.

Accoridng to the FBI Report, two of the suspects arrested, Abdul Kadir & Abdel Nur, were members of Jamaat al-Muslimeen (JAM), based in Trinidad. Implicated in the JFK terror plot Jamaat Muslimeen  LEADER YASIN ABU BAKR -


Yasin Abu Bakr when he bailed out of Trinidad jail, same bodyguard with the beard seen in both photos.


JAMAAT al Muslimeen leader Yasin Abu Bakr is expected go on trial later this month on terrorism and sedition charges.  Bakr has been charged with sedition, promoting a terrorist act and inciting others to breach the peace stemming from his November 2005 Eid sermon at his Mucurapo mosque.

Case facts:

  • Bakr charged with sedition and terrorism.
  • Trial to start with legal submissions.



Cops seize grenade, gun, ammo at Jamaat Muslimeen compound

Nov. 2005
Government's drastic anti-crime initiative paid off yesterday, when a large contingent of police and army officers from the Special Anti-crime Unit (SAUTT) and other sections of the Police Service raided the Jamaat al Muslimeen compound at Mucurapo Road.

Washington DC, within the last two years

The same source as above told me about this attempt to attack Washington, DC with a nuclear bomb. Authorities got word about a plan to fly a bomb into the airport on Tangier Island and sent out a team to intercept the attack. There was a shootout at the airport. The terrorists were killed and the bomb captured. Tangier Island is in the Chesapeake bay about 90 miles south of Washington, DC.

My source said that her/his source was involved in the shootout and killed one of the terrorists.

Another source, involved with law enforcement, who would not put it in writing, was able to confirm the story. (This source also said that if Americans knew what was going on, they would panic.) An old friend with “connections” said that incidents occur that are immediately classified secret. He said that if the general population knew, there would be panic.


I saw a few stories about a failed nuclear bomb attempt on the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004 on the Internet. They, like so many other stories of this type, have disappeared. I mentioned this to an investigative reporter. He replied:

The incident in 2004 was at the Dems convention, not the GOP convention – and it involved a friend of mine.

He went on to tell me that the bomb was a dud and did not go off.

There is much more. Go read the whole thing.


  1. None of this surprises me nor do I discount any of it as possibility. However I would feel better if at least some of the sources weren't anonymous.

    As the article states Shukrijumah has had a lot of coverage the last few years, especially by Paul Williams. If you want more on it quickly search Shukrijumah at either , or . You'll get more info than you could possibly want on the man who is alledgedly in charge of masterminding American Hiroshima.

    You'll get all kinds of info, including the assertion that suitcase nukes were buried here during the Cold War by Soviet agents to be dug up and used later when hostlilities started. They never did, the nukes are supposedly still there and the Jihadis are supposedly searching for them. But what kind of shape are they in, especially the triggers? How did they maintain them? Is this in any way tied to Litvinenko? Was Shukrijumah spotted in Utah & Texas several years ago, and no one acted on it?

    This is the big untalked about story (at least by the gov't even before Obama so we can't just blame this one on him). Educate yourselves on it. Don't be complacent. Complacency will get you killed.

    So search either Shukrijumah or American Hiroshima at those sites. Read Paul Williams excellent books, and then form your opinions.

    Hopefully it will never happen. But be ready and don't bet that way.

  2. The triggers are made from Polonium 210, which just so happens to be the same radiological material with which Litvinenko was "murdered".

    Polonium has a half-life of about four months which means any nuclear device which is triggered by a Polonium reaction (and as I understand it, most of the Soviet Weapons were thus triggered), will need to be constantly maintained.

    If the Jihadists were to get their hands on a nuclear weapon from the USSR they would need a fresh supply of Polonium.

    And, of course, the press insists Litvinenko was "murdered" with a hit of Polonium which cost $10 million.

    I don't buy it.

    They could have shot him in the head for a lot less money.

  3. Exactly. He was smuggling that Polonium for some reason and something went very wrong.

  4. On a more jovial note, that guy with the beard might as well just wear his Islamic pajamas with the word "terrorist" inscribed on it. He looks like your prototypical "pissed off about everything" Muslim. If you look at Adnan Shukrijamah, he has an innocent, even friendly, look which could easily decieve anyone about his true intentions.

  5. Paul Williams "Day of Islam" is also a good source on this, if slightly dated at this point. He includes in the appendix the fatwa approving nuclear strikes against infidels.

  6. Edward Jay Epstein is also a good source on this.

    For instance, the "murder" of Litvinenko is blamed on a Russian named Lugovni. The Brits made a big show of calling for his extradition, all the while knowing that extradition is against the Russian Consitution.

    But, the fact of the matter is, the day BEFORE Litvinenko met with Lugovni, he met with another man named Scaramella, who also had traces of Polonium on his person.

  7. One more source for Litvinenko is A J Strata's blog. He brings alot of it together over a period of months. Search Litvinenko there or

  8. How is this "suitcase nuke" canard perpetuated??

    The sheer mass of the minimum amount of radioactive material required to initiate a nuclear chain reaction (explosion) PLUS the amount of lead required to shield it from harming its handlers is FAR larger than the size of any "suitcase" or "backpack" than a person could possibly carry.

    "Suitcase nukes" never have, will, or even CAN exist!

    Please correct me (with reliable cited sources) if I'm wrong!

    - pupista

  9. Pupista -- what about something on the order of the Davy Crockett warhead? That was small and weighed 50 pounds or so I think. Certainly not easy in a suitcase or backpack but in a small trunk absolutely. And it would certainly fit in a large car or van easily enough.

    I realize it would be a very small yield but it would still be a nuke going off in America and the psychological damage (let alone physical) would be enormous.

    I'm no nuke scientist and just throwing this out there as a possibility.

  10. As I understand it, the fabled "suitcase nuke" weight several hundred pounds, and could be transported in the trunk of a car.

  11. Right, not exactly something you'd carry on your back walking into a mall but small enough for 1 or 2 men to load in a van and park otside a mall, hospital, courthouse etc.

  12. Here's some interesting info:

  13. Midnight Rider, I had heard of the Davy Crockett and forgotten about it, never really knowing its size, I guess.

    It sounds like the warhead was 52 pounds, and they say the

    But as per my comment, it could have easily been utilized as a "backpack nuke", so I stand corrected.

    If they existed then (1961-1971) they could still exist today in the FSU.

    I still do not believe Gen. Alexander Lebed has been a credible source. (Again, correct me if I'm wrong! lol!)

    But by golly, the article you linked mentioned the SADM by name, as described on Global Security:

    Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) "Davy Crockett"

    "The W-54 nuclear warhead in a projectile was launched by the Davy Crockett and had a subkiloton yield. The projectile was 30 inches long, 11 inches in diameter, and weighed 76 pounds."

    (bowing... backing away...)


  14. Sorry I didn't quite finish there...

    I meant to say that the warhead was 51 pounds, and the projectile was 76 pounds.

    I don't know if that means a total weight of 76 lbs. or 127 lbs., but either can be carried in a backpack easily enough.

    (...scurrying off now...)
