
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Ultimate, the Very Spirit, of Infidel

An American Cultural Icon if ever there was one. And there is only one like him.

For Culturist John

Ted Nugent

Great White Buffalo


  1. Bad A$$!! We need more of the spirit that pushed Ted through the ten minute songs.

    I have to be nerdy and culturist. The idea that Native Americans were environmentally innocent and we are wasteful, as in Great White Buffalo, gets trounced in culturism. Remember 85% of the mammals were wiped out before Europeans got here. Remember how they killed buffalo.

    Our vision of the world is the one that conserves. Others have been very "Easter Island" about conservation. Those in the forests of Arizona turned to cannibalism after denuding the land.

    THANKS for the DOUBLE SHOT !!!!

  2. I agree with ya, John. The idea of the Noble Savage is a myth. One need only look at some of the Aztec practices, or consider how warriors catpured in their wars were treated to know that.

    Still it's a great song. Stop back Thursday night 8:00 eastern I have another one ready for then.
