Have you heard about Obama's "new" federal guidelines that prevent officers from arresting illegal aliens. When did this come about? Why has no one mentioned it? Is this Obama flying under the radar net of media reporting? Have you ever heard of anything so nonsensical or dangerous as making it illegal to arrest illegals. What will this do to our immigration problems as outsiders learn that is now legal to sneak into our country. I guess Obama is going to import his electorate for 2012 - no rational, America loving America is going to vote for the enemy in the White House. (hat tip Chuck)
Read the whole thing here:
PHOENIX – The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office arrested 72 people during a three-day crime sweep in Chandler and Queen Creek southeast of Phoenix.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio says the operation started as an attempt to control illegal immigration, but new federal guidelines prevent deputies from arresting illegal immigrants solely for being in the U.S. illegally.
The sheriff's office says it released three illegal immigrants from custody Thursday and seven Friday based on instruction from federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.
The first two days of the operation resulted in 68 arrests, including 14 illegal immigrants who committed a civil or criminal violation and the 10 who were released.
Of the 72 total people arrested, 25 were illegal immigrants.
We shouldn't forget that even though there are a lot of Mexicans that cross the border illegally, there are a lot of people from third world Muslim (all Muslim countries are third world) countries who go to the US on visitor's visas never to come back.
ReplyDeleteIn Pakistan for example, people charge a high fee on guarantees that one will get a "visitor's (B-2) visa". People spend their fortunes on just trying to get that. WHy? Because that way they enter the US and then never return to their home countries. The reason I mention this is that not only the US is going to have a problem with illegal immigrants in terms of low paid jobs and stuff but it will increase the risk of terrorism. Being a former Muslim myself, I can guarantee that these Muslims don't love America, they just love the material things that come with it.
But when the global Jihad hits (yes, I do believe, and for good reason, that there will be a global Jihad, we're just seeing the beginning of it), these illegal immigrants will be the worst nightmare (think about it, even if America decides to intern all the Muslims/Arabs/Pakistanis--anyone from a Muslim country, these illegal immigrants won't even be on the records except that they entered the country once...no address, no phone number and no way to know where they are!).
Again, my saying all that won't do anything as long as we have CNN, BBC etc and on top of all that, HUSSEIN OBAMA as president of America.
You believe there will be a Global Jihad? What do you think is going to happen? Is it going to be like the Intifada, or worse?
ReplyDeleteA battle brewing over legalizing 20 plus illegal immigrants and their family members, is not just a political war that will have dire consequences for just American workers, but for the whole population that pays taxes? The testimonial of Robert Rector an outspoken analyst with the Heritage Foundation, that legalizing the lawbreakers will cost $2.5 Trillion dollars in escalating taxes, just to pay for retirement and pensions? Because of the decades of indifference of Washington, we are now stuck with a massive occupation of foreign nationals and their families. Now the lawmakers are looking for an easy way out. For all those years of businesses who have intentionally seek cheap labor, thereby dumping the whole financial burden on every US taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteTheir years of lobbying less reputable members of the House and Senate, has paid off admirable. Business have lined their pockets and never paid their illegal employed labor any health care, schooling for the children or the massive welfare benefits? Upcoming is President Obama's promise to the countless numbers, who have invaded our country must not happen. These politicians have compromised our quality of life, our language and our culture. Under pressure from many open border globalist organization our politicians have murdered many immigration enforcement laws. E-Verify--a composite of the SAVE ACT was almost shelved, as they are now straining at the leash to weaken local police action 287(g), the NO MATCH LETTER and even ICE raids.
Currently we are teetering on the edge of OVERPOPULATION, with even our government acknowledging our numbers will rise to 440 million in just forty years. Our country can do without Federal mandates that includes free medial care, education, low income housing--Section 8, food stamps, just a name of few free government handouts. All these benefits should go to American families who are in need. GOOGLE--about the growing chaos in Europe from the importation of legal and illegal immigrants. GOOGLE--the disguised costs that are forced on taxpayers, not disclosed by the media or Congress. America is in survival mode now with nearly 10.5 percent jobless, home foreclosures, car repossessions, health care and more.
USE YOUR VOTING POWER TO CONTACT YOUR POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121 Believe it! Your voices are having a crucial effect.? Support for the bi-partisan SAVE Act, which will expand E-Verify and protect American Workers! We must focus on the cornerstone to this major problem-the jobs that attract illegal aliens. It would phase in a requirement for every employer to use the electronic E-Verify system. We must also be aware that the Democrats are ready to open the gates to our nation, once a path to citizenship is announced. GOOGLE--the facts at NUMBERSUSA, AMERICANPATROL
Update: one of the authoritative Capitol Hill publications suggests that minority Caucuses and all those here undocumented, is quite pleased with the way the current House health plan will provide coverage for illegal aliens. YES! To government health care for Americans. Definitely NO! Free health care for those here illegally?
ReplyDeleteWell, take the intifada and spread it all over the globe. Secret planning for a long time and just pulling the trigger once, that will unleash something that we have never seen before.
If we go back to Islam's history. The beginning of Islam was something like what we see today. There were people that thought that Mecca's skirmishes with Mohammed and his bandits was nothing but nuisance. In the next 100 years of that, we saw Islam take over not only Mecca but all of Middle East, North Africa, parts of Europe and the subcontinent of India.
Non Muslims have a history of negligence and I see our politicians doing the same again. Muslims are successful right now at not only staying under the radar most of the time (a couple of arrests here and a couple of arrests there doesn't really matter) but they have also been successful at making the west sympathetic toward them. So many liberals and leftists around think we are to blame for Muslims being the "scum of the earth" and we are responsible to bring them back to glory that they once had (they never had any glory, if you ask me).
Anyway, this is a huge topic. But yeah, I do believe there will be a global jihad, if not in our lifetime then in our children's or grandchildren's!
Yeah, I kind of expect that.
ReplyDeleteI guess the other question is, will it be centrally organized, or will it just kind of emerge spontaneously over some perceived slight.
I always thought the Paris riots were organized.
What did you think?