
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Insidious Anti-Israel Agenda

The origin of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s, anti-Israel animus:

Like Obama, I am a graduate of Harvard Law School. I too have Muslims in my family. I am black, and I was once a leftist Democrat. Since our backgrounds are somewhat similar, I perceive something in Obama’s policy toward Israel which people without that background may not see. All my life I have witnessed a strain of anti-Semitism in the black community. It has been fueled by the rise of the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, but it predates that organization.

We heard it in Jesse Jackson’s “HYMIE town” remark years ago during his presidential campaign. We heard it most recently in Jeremiah Wright’s remark about “them Jews” not allowing Obama to speak with him. I hear it from my own Muslim family members who see the problem in the Middle East as a “Jew” problem.

Growing up in a small, predominantly black urban community in Pennsylvania, I heard the comments about Jewish shop owners. They were “greedy cheaters” who could not be trusted, according to my family and others in the neighborhood. I was too young to understand what it means to be Jewish, or know that I was hearing anti-Semitism. These people seemed nice enough to me, but others said they were “evil”. Sadly, this bigotry has yet to be eradicated from the black community.

In Chicago, the anti-Jewish sentiment among black people is even more pronounced because of the direct influence of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Most African Americans are not followers of “The Nation”, but many have a quiet respect for its leader because, they say, “he speaks the truth” and “stands up for the black man”. What they mean of course is that he viciously attacks the perceived “enemies” of the black community white people and Jews. Even some self-described Christians buy into his demagoguery.

The question is whether Obama, given his Muslim roots and experience in Farrakhan’s Chicago, shares this antipathy for Israel and Jewish people. Is there any evidence that he does.

First, the President was taught for twenty years by a virulent anti-Semite, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. In the black community it is called “sitting under”. You don’t merely attend a church, you “sit under” a Pastor to be taught and mentored by him. Obama “sat under” Wright for a very long time. He was comfortable enough with Farrakhan Wright’s friend to attend and help organize his “Million Man March”. I was on C-Span the morning of the march arguing that we must never legitimize a racist and anti-Semite, no matter what “good” he claims to be doing. Yet a future President was in the crowd giving Farrakhan his enthusiastic support.

The classic left wing view is that Israel is the oppressive occupier, and the Palestinians are Israel’s victims. Obama is clearly sympathetic to this view. In speaking to the “Muslim World,” he did not address the widespread Islamic hatred of Jews. Instead he attacked Israel over the growth of West Bank settlements. Surely he knows that settlements are not the crux of the problem.

The absolute refusal of the Palestinians to accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state is the insurmountable obstacle. That’s where the pressure needs to be placed, but this President sees it differently. He also made the preposterous comparison of the Holocaust to Palestinian “dislocation”.

Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities. He sees the world and Israel from a Muslim perspective. His construct of “The Muslim World” is unique in modern diplomacy. It is said that only The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical elements of the religion use that concept. It is a call to unify Muslims around the world. It is rather odd to hear an American President use it. In doing so he reveals more about his thinking than he intends. The dramatic policy reversal of joining the unrelentingly ant-Semitic, anti-Israel and pro-Islamic UN Human Rights Council is in keeping with the President’s truest albeit undeclared sensibilities.

Those who are paying attention and thinking about these issues do not find it unreasonable to consider that President Obama is influenced by a strain of anti-Semitism picked up from the black community, his leftist friends and colleagues, his Muslim associations and his long period of mentorship under Jeremiah Wright. If this conclusion is accurate, Israel has some dark days ahead.

For the first time in her history, she may find the President of the United States siding with her enemies. Those who believe as I do that Israel must be protected had better be ready for the fight. We are.


E.W. Jackson is Bishop of Exodus Faith Ministries, an author and retired attorney.


  1. Excellent piece. Thanks for posting it.
    The "warning signs" were there before the election but not too many people noticed.
    Not to mention the appalling media.

  2. I've seen this with my black Christian friends. They are Christians. They don't seem to be racist in any way, but they "respect" Louis Farrakhan, because "he's done a lot of good for the community."

    It's very disappointing, to say the least.

    Maybe, I should just say the most this time. It's downright appalling and frightening.

  3. "the guy who cuts my lawn is jewish"???????????

    RFLMAO and not in a good way.

    Are you serious? Even Malcolm X broke with the Nation of Islam due to its racist and frankly loony interpretations of Islam.

    They make Wahhabis look like moderates and Farrakhan is a hypocrite, friend of all of America's enemies.

  4. Carlos,
    It will be interesting to see what else that guy has to say, if he comes back.

    Maybe he has some Jewish-looking Lawn Jockeys too, huh?

  5. Where I grew up, the guys who cut lawns were Jewish and Italian and German and Polish. . .

    But the flamingos were all pinkos!!



    P.S. Sorry, doing some work from home tonight on the ol' laptop and I'm getting a little punchy.

  6. Oh, equal opportunity lawn cutters...

    Again, the underlying current of this great post is that as Infidels, Christians, fellow Jews, etc. we stand shoulder to shoulder with the great state of Israel.

    Whereas Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. stands shoulder to shoulder with Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakahn Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Ahmedinejad, et al


  8. Pastorius:

    "...but they "respect" Louis Farrakhan, because "he's done a lot of good for the community."

    Weird to say the least,IMHO.

    I have heard nothing happens in Chicago unless Farrakhan gives it the OK.

    I have always been fascinated by the fact that these people practice some form of Islam and conveniently ignore the fact that more than likely it was Muslim traders who made their ancestors slaves.

    Not only that but so many in the Union army gave their lives to help free said ancestors during the Civil War!

    Of course, this does not apply to Obama.

  9. It would not surprise me if obamas roots go back to the traders and not the slaves

  10. Hi Shiva,

    I think you may be right about that. I have read similar before.

  11. Glad to see you. I was a little worried about you.
