
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Shepherd Smith - The Hottest Babe In News

I love it when he wears his boa, and he sports the long cigarette holder. He's so elegant and, and, just so sassy.

Today, he's really in top form, coming out in favor of the Communist ex-Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who attempted to stage a coup d 'etat and destroy the Constitution of the country he had been elected to represent.

That's all well and good with Shep, though, because he likes his men strong and fierce and dangerous.

And, I love Shep because he's such a cutie.


  1. Hey, I smoke and drink and carry a gun and a knife. Ya think that makes me strong and fierce and dangerous enough for him.

    I just love the way he says "fuckin' torture". It's just so, so, fuckin' hot...

  2. WTF is up with Fox running him again at 7 now? So ridonkulous.

  3. Hi Jdamn,
    Good to see you. Where have you been? We haven't heard from you for awhile.

  4. MR,
    I think you're just the man for him.

    I still like the Barbecue spit idea.
