
Monday, August 24, 2009

Anyone Who Drives A Smart Car Is Dumb


  1. Fast track to becoming the filling in a Mack truck sandwich.

  2. Not so smart after all. I'm sure he/she died feeling very progressive and smug.

  3. Yeah? Who you calling Smug?

  4. Somewhere I heard that the crushed car in that photo isn't actually a Smart Car.

  5. And had the smartcar been hit by two other smartcars, chances are the damage would be very minor.

    People who drive large cars needlessly may be protecting themselves, but only by endangering other people. Yes, they are safer for whoever occupies them - but only because they will crush anyone else involved in an accident. Choosing a large vehicle for 'safety' strikes me as a very selfish act.

  6. Suricou Raven,
    My questioning mind has drifted off in the same direction as yours has on occasion.

    But, here's what I always come back to:

    There have to be cargo trucks on the road.

    That is not something we can not have. It would not be feasible to load 1000 Smart Cars with the load one Cargo truck carries.

    And, therefore, it ought to be everyone's right to choose what type of car they, essentially, want to defend themselves with.

    Not to mention, it really is a freedom issue to begin with.

  7. That isn't a Smart Car. The lug nut pattern is wrong. I'm thinkin' GM.
