
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Mechanism Of Rationing That Has To Happen When You Promise Everything Though You Don't Have Infinite Resources

From Gateway:

Canada’s Top Doctors Pan Their Non-Competitive Nationalized System

The current and former presidents of the Canadian Medical Association all pan the imploding, non-competitive Canadian health rationing system.

Do you think our media will report this?

Here is my latest column at American Issues Project:

On Thursday August 20, Dr. Brian Day, the former President of the Canadian Medical Association dropped a bomb on Obamacare during his interview with Bill O'Reilly. The former top Canadian doctor shed some light on what Americans can expect from a government run health care rationing scheme. The former top doc told Bill O'Reilly that if the democratic health care plan turns out to be anything like the Canadian plan then Americans can expect rationed care, long waiting lists and skyrocketing costs. He didn't hold back. Here is what Dr. Brian Day said about the Canadian health care system:

Bill O'Reilly: Dr. Day what is the biggest problem with your health care system?

Dr. Brian Day: Well, the biggest problem is access. By access we have, in the Canadian system the first line of defense for a sick patient is the family doctor. And, in a population of 33 million Canadians 5 million Canadians do not have a family doctor.

Bill O'Reilly: Is it because the doctors don't get paid as well as doctors get paid as well in the United States? We have 30% more doctors per 100,000. Is it because they are not getting paid as well?

Dr. Brian Day: No, we rank 26 out of 28 in the developed countries as far as doctors to population. Its part of the mechanism of rationing that has to happen when you promise to deliver everything and don't have enough resources...
You can read the rest on what the other top Canadian doctors had to say about their non-competitive health care system here. There is also a list of my recent columns on this page.

Related... Dems are increasing their talk of ramming healthcare through without the GOP.


  1. I despise these socialist democrat statist weasils with a white hot passion.

    why you might ask?

    becuase they and thier utopian bullshit plans would give us instead of a high caliber health care system a universal system of crap.

    well this is clear you might say (if you agree with me) but why the high level of anger and animosity?

    because my first wife, the love of my life had breast cancer at the age of 26, and through the cutting edge care of our doctors and insurance she had the best of care and we were able to have ten more years of love, it was a very agressive terrible form of cancer kept in check with cutting edge therapies.

    she passed away in 04 at the age of 36.

    if obama's system of equal outcome universal care had been firmly in place before my wife was sick I have seen more than enough evidence from the british and canadian systems....

    that they would have given up on my wife and sent her home to die years before her time.

    robbing us of so many years of priceless time together.

    therefore statist leftist scum take your utopian dreams and shove them up your collective ass's!

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your losing your precious wife.

    Here's a question to ask, if American healthcare goes socialist where will the incentive be for "cutting edge therapies".

  3. thankyou Pastorius

    thier wont be.

    no one likes to work for free.

    and someone elses wife, daughter, sister, will die or die earlier than they should, all to make leftist feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    to bad in all thier warm fuzzyness thiers never room for real people.

  4. I have had personal direct experience with healthcare "rationing" on multiple occasions.

    Let's face it, Insurance Companies attempt to ration. But, we have an intermediary in a Doctor who is committed to the Hippocratic Oath, and held to it by the threat of a lawsuit.

    When my wife was giving birth to our first child, she was in labor for close to 30 hours, and was not making any progress in the dilation process.

    I was sitting with her and the nurse and the Doctor in the room.

    At one point, I noticed that my wife's blood pressure was beginning to drop. I'm smart enough to know that's not a good sign.

    So, I said to the Dr. "Hey, her blood pressure is dropping. That's cause for concern."

    He says, "No, don't worry, we've got it under control."

    And, I sat there and thought about it for a second, and I realized that (I was with an HMO) a C-Section is more expensive than a Natural Childbirth, and this dude was trying to avoid doing a C-Section at all costs.

    So, I gave him another shot at it.

    "Her blood pressure is dropping, that could mean she is going into shock or losing her strength."

    "No, no, no, it's ok."

    So, I said to him in a quiet voice.

    "No, you listen to me. If you don't start the process to giving my wife a C-Section RIGHT NOW, I am going to start yelling so loudly about what is happening in this room, that everyone in this wing of the hospital is going to here it. And, I will sue the hell out of you as well. Do you understand me?"

    And, he immediately took her into an operating room and gave her a C-Section.

    If I had not been there, watching and thinking, my wife may have ended up dead.
