
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Newsflash: Democrats Lie, a Lot

Paul Krugman: Public Plan Will Kill Private Insurance Plans

Clip of Paul Krugman interviewed on Democracy Now! in October 2007. He is commenting on the health reform plans proposed by the Democratic candidates for President (Obama, Clinton, Edwards)

"I've taking to calling it the Demo Plan."
"It is a route to universal health care."
"We can get the principle of universal health care established."
"We are now looking at the real possiblilty of universal health care by 2010."
"These plans ... can evolve into single player."
"The public plans ... would in the end kill the private plans."
"It is a route that can lead to single payer."

Crossposted at The Dougout


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the amazing thing is that anyone harbors any doubt about this ..which means, of course, that Barack Obama is an accomplished, polished and convincing liar whose followers have to keep the con or be admitted schmucks

  3. Democrats Lie a lot.

    Man bites dog.

    But, this is one of the most important Dog Bites Man stories of all time, because Man is starting to bite back.

  4. The reason why he believes the public option would kill private insurance is that public insurance is inherently more efficient. Why would anyone have a problem with that? The company that offers the best care with the lowest cost should beat out competition - in this case, that company is the public option.

  5. That's a little like saying "just because there's a US postal service, there can't be a FedEx or a UPS." It just doesn't make sense, man.
