
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The After Party Radio Show

I, Pastorius, am off, temporarily. (I'm working from 9 to 5 ... in the morning).

Culturist John co-hosted with the Fu2rman.

We talked about Dick Morris saying the money that the Obama campaign gave to ACORN was the exact same amount that ACORN owed the IRS. Then when the Obama campaign had the accounting issue the check, the money was supposed to be for "stage and lighting" and then it changed to a get out the vote campaign. Either way, ACORN owed the IRS $800,000, and the Obama campaign gave them $800,000.

Additionally, we talked about Obama's association with ACORN, how he worked for them, starting in '91, by '95 he was their attorney, and even helped with the case to get the motor voter bill passed in Illinois. The same law that eventually allowed ACORN to flood Illinois with fake voters.

Then we go into the question of whether Obama is culturally American?

Culturist John did a great job with this. He defined the reason that the constitution says only US born citizens can become President is that it means there won't be any divided loyalty. Clearly, Obama doesn't fit this criteria. What if we had a war with Indonesia? Would he be able to make the best decision for the US, or would his loyalty be divided?

And finally, how did American men become so pussified? Culturist John and Fu2rman had a great discussion on that, going back to Teddy Roosevelt getting sports put in colleges so men weren't pussies when they got out.

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