Steve Emerson on the latest round of Islamic Jihadi arrests in the United States and the Taliban Fan Club in Queens, N.Y.:
STEVEN EMERSON: Well, Larry, yesterday was an unprecedented day – not just [Najibullah] Zazi was indicted, but several other people were indicted. There were five Islamic jihad plots that were stopped and announced – complaints announced and indictments issued yesterday in an unprecedented day of U.S. law enforcement acting against these jihadists. Now, as far as the Zazi plot, as Jonathan Dienst correctly pointed out, this was the most serious plot because he was trying to get the same type of chemicals used to produce the bombs that blew up [in] the two bombings in London in July 2005.
I interviewed a leader of a moderate mosque in Queens who had been ousted by an accomplice of Zazi, and the accomplice apparently was a supporter of the Taliban. So there are a lot of supporters of the Taliban in Queens – in certain parts of Queens – that may have been in – may have known about this, or were willing to assist Zazi in his plot. Because he came to Queens to purchase also hydrochloric acid that was to be part of the formula to be used to blow up the – whatever he was going to blow up – suspected to be trains, or [specifically] commuter PATH trains.
Scary stuff. Hat tip: Steve
Crossposted at The Dougout
The PATH trains would also be symbolic because that is the line that runs under the WTC site. The towers were owned by the Port Authority. And then there is the question of whether these explosives detonated in the PATH tunnel under the Hudson would have breached the tunnel and allowed the river to flood downtown. Wasn't that one of the jihad plans from years ago that got shut off?