
Monday, September 21, 2009

Barack Obama: The Tipping Point

An excellent post from Richard Fernandez at the Belmont Club:

If you scanned the Google news headlines and looked at key phrases which appeared in the last 48 hours, you might see something which looked like this.

Individually the stories would ostensibly be about health care, missile defense, ACORN or Afghanistan. But taken collectively they are about Barack Obama. Reading the news by article provides a sense of the subject. Reading them by headline conveys an idea of the “emerging narrative”. Whether by accident or intent, the news meme is turning disparate subjects into one single subject: the President. It’s almost as if the whole thing were being orchestrated by Saul Alinsky, who famously wrote “Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Where do the narratives come from? Malcolm Gladwell, in his book The Tipping Point talks about “‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point’ … [when] sociological changes … ’spread like viruses do’” In plain language, it’s the moment when a consensus begins to emerge on what is being observed, or perhaps more accurately what is not being observed. One theme is the idea that the President is living in another place. The following quotes from the articles above are highly suggestive of a disconnection.

“For us to say you have to take responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase,” Obama said in response to persistent questioning, later adding: “Nobody considers that a tax increase.” …

“My task here was not to negotiate with the Russians. The Russians don’t make determinations about what our defense posture is.”…

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Eight months after Inauguration Day, the Obama administration is still working out its strategy for continued U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan, the president said in an interview that airs Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union. “I think that what we have to do is get the right strategy, and then I think we’ve got to have some clear benchmarks, [a] matrix of progress,” President Barack Obama told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King about the war torn country. …

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about the funding for ACORN?

OBAMA: You know, if — frankly, it’s not really something I’ve followed closely. I didn’t even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money.

The search to understand Barack Obama is the search for a vantage from which understand his policy actions. In what framework do they make sense? In fact, Obama is asking himself the same question with respect to Afghanistan. TheWall Street Journal reports:

President Barack Obama on Sunday voiced skepticism that more troops would make a difference in Afghanistan, suggesting he might not rubber-stamp military officials’ expected request to send more forces to that country.

“I don’t want to put the resource question before the strategy question,” Mr. Obama told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “There is a natural inclination to say, ‘If I get more, then I can do more.’ But right now, the question is—the first question is—are we doing the right thing? Are we pursuing the right strategy?”

‘Why are we doing this?’ Yes, Mr. President, why are you doing this? After all, the commander in chief ought to know. If the military’s job is to carry out strategy, it is the political leadership’s job to set it.The more ignorant might ask ‘what is the wrong strategy which we are pursuing?’ It turns out to be a hard question to answer.

The strategy in Afghanistan, like the process of ‘engagement’ with Iran, was always somewhat undefined. In the beginning the public was told that in Afghanistan the War on Terror would end where it began; that he would get Osama Bin Laden; that there would be a grand bargain among the powers of the region; that Afghanistan would be developed into a stable country. That there would be a czar to integrate all initiatives. That there were new rules of engagement to avoid civilian casualties. Things would be different now that a real intellect was in charge.

Now it turns out that the equation contains a whole lot of undefined terms. But in a world where negotiations with the Russians are not about negotiating with the Russians, where mandates for health insurance aren’t taxes, where President Obama is surprised that ACORN is receiving government money, and where 8 months after inauguration he has to ask himself what an organization he heads is trying to accomplish in Afghanistan, I think it is reasonable to argue that we are not observing or perhaps not understanding the President’s rational model.

Otherwise we’d understand what the terms of the problem were and evaluate the possible solutions. Joe Klein of Time Magazine is still trying to stretch his mind to understand what’s up.

It was generally believed that Obama was holding out the anti-missile system as a bargaining chip to be used in return for Russian cooperation on a more rigorous sanctions regime against the Iranian nuclear development program. And so the question is: what has the Administration gotten in return from the Russians for this concession? We don’t know yet….but I’ve been thinking … Again, this is just speculation on my part. But I do hope that this anti-missile move has a Russian concession attached to it, perhaps not publicly (just as the US agreement to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey was not make public during the Cuban Missile Crisis). The Obama Administration’s diplomatic strategy is, I believe, wise and comprehensive–but it needs to show more than public concessions over time. A few diplomatic victories wouldn’t hurt.

It depends on how you define victories, Mr. Klein and we are waiting to see what they look like. But they cannot be of a cloth so rare, so beautiful and esoteric that only one pair of eyes can perceive them. Reality is something ordinary people can partially agree on. Handsome is as handsome does.


  1. "In plain language, it’s the moment when a consensus begins to emerge on what is being observed, or perhaps more accurately what is not being observed."
    Or in the words of Glenn Beck, the paradigm is about to change.
    You betcha it is Barry! ;)

  2. It is CLEAR NOW, that Barack Obama was not ready for the job, and operates as if a few words strung together properly are the same as the hard deeds done in a dirty dangerous world.

    And a big fat BTW, who knew that Hillary Clinton was a WHORE? I can hardly believe how she sold herself, and despite huge differences on the domestic end, she has proven to be a cheap lay for an empty title and a dead end of a career. She is AS BAD as the rest in every dimension. I had always believed that if we were challenged as we have been, she'd pin her ears back and rip the throat out the bad guys.
    Instead, she has placed herself before the national interest to remain SecState, and help Obama operate as if the USA is just like Connecticut and the world is no more dangerous to it than Iowa

  3. What we are witnessing is the beginning collapse of the Progressive movement. That's the paradigm shift Beck has been talking about.

    This movement has been destroying America for 100 years and many Americans have had enough of it.

  4. Many Americans did not recognize it because it has been so woven into the fabric of our lives. However, Obama is making it damn clear what it is.

    And, we're not buying it.

    And, to all Republicans, lead, follow, or get out of the way.

  5. Epa,
    I am surprised by Hilary's lack of spine as well.

    I was the same as you. I thought she was tough as nails.

    Instead, it seems, they're just Lee Press-on nails.


  6. I wouldn't hold my breath over the death of the progressive movement.

    I would say we might be at the swinging of a pendulum. After Desert 1 and the malaise speech, and the killer rabbit, J Carter simply became totally ineffective and a 'Leno' joke.

    Obama is well along that path, and while in many respects the health care fiasco placed total questions in the minds of most americans, I think he could still save himself with the economy, and to do so might try to prove something with Israel and Afghanistan ..but I had that kind of hope last december too, and was shocked to the marrow at the way things played out

    This week I was reminded of granny from the Beverly Hillbillies perfect 100% cure for the common cold ... I forget what it was, but it always takes 7-10 days and you're cured. That, I think is Obama's main hope on the economic front.

    On the other things, he may believe his ideology and mission in rightness will win in this world over what cynics see.

    He may look in the mirror and see a higher calling... HE IS a U Chicago constitutional law prof.

  7. Epa,
    I guess you're right. The death of the Progressive Movement is impossible, just as Putin is re-animating the USSR in a different form, as a hand from the grave.

    But, Obama is bringing much-needed clarity, and for that I am grateful.

    We are having a real discussion in this country, though the media is not reporting on it, on the idea of returning to our Constitutional roots.

  8. a few operational threads are weaving this tapestry together, and the picture is unpleasant for most americans,

    barry was a charismatic cypher, untested underdeveloped and ready to tear things down and be an activist but not ready to be the leader or protector of america and her allies. you cant be the protector and the destroyer both.

    his mind set is truely of the left which states that if your an ally of america thier must be something unworthy of you thus not deserving respect or help or firm commitment, read Brittan, israel, poland...

    a leftist activist by nature doesnt respect or love that which he is fighting against. and he spent his whole life fighting the u.s. why would he not want to tear it down now?

    americans are not radicals who relish the thought of tearing down thier own country, we are instead by nature builders who add not subtract

    it is imposible to remain a chypher and be president. you cannot vote present in the office of president.

    and what and who he is, will come to the fore.

    and the other aspect is leftist dogma of how ther world works and the mechanics of life, the lefts world view is (as shown time again in different eras) a fantasy construct made of rules that other nations wont follow becuase they are nonsense.

    and individuals who are adult, independent self reliant, positive additions to society who each in thier own way produce wealth not subtract it (or spent thier lives producing not subtracting and now want to enjoy the fruits of thier labor) wont tolerate his free lunch and free ride for those who have allways tried to sit in the wagon and never get out in front and pull.

    when the rubber meets the road of reality, he thought he could act his way through this with his charisma, and stay a cypher.

    he thought he could innact his utopian leftist crap with a smile and all thier 30+ years of leftard propaganda prep work on america had made it ripe to "change" america into something it wasnt.

    a socialist utopia ruled by the benevolent leftist acedemic elite who while disconected from the rest of reality based society believed they had come up with the solutions to all the worlds problems and that they just needed a chance behind the steering wheel of the bus to make it right.

    instead as more and more fellow travelers go under the wheels of that bus and the bus hits rough road, its loosing its wheels.

  9. everything I said above could have been encapsulated in the sentence,

    "the wheels on the bus go round and round,... untill they fall off"

  10. They will be pushing back to ensure that the net and radio no longer provide the "weight" for the "tipping point."


    for an explanation of the "net neutrality" rules on their way.

    I bet the next thing is the push for "localism" in radio. Wait and see how satellite radio is somehow shoehorned into "public airwaves" for purposes of regulation.

    They WILL shut you all up if you don't push back hard. Educate yourself on these proposed regulations and then scream bloody hell about them.

    We may lose, but not without a fight. Our fathers, grandfathers and philosophical forebears worked too damn hard and spilled too much blood for us to go down without a huge loud fight.

  11. another leftist meme he has been following to our collective embarresment and detriment, is that bad guys are not really bad. somehow we made them that way.just be reasonable and they will come around.

    this is another fantasy by leftards as witnessed by sean penn and saddam hussien, or hugo chavez and oliver stone.

    and to see this absolute failure of reality based thinking inacted as U.S policy is also opening peoples eyes.

  12. No generation seems to be able to learn from the past.

    NOT ONE.

    Some things, especially the foreign affairs disasters seem so obvious to me they brook no argument.

    Major Clipton's last lines come to mind.

  13. Epa is this the line your refering to?

    Major Clipton: The fact is, what we're doing could be construed as - forgive me sir - collaboration with the enemy. Perhaps even as treasonable activity. Must we work so well? Must we build them a better bridge than they could have built for themselves?

  14. The Obama Doctrine:
    Undermine our Friends, elevate our foes, diminish our nation.

    Just in case Charlie Gibson ever asks you...

  15. the last lines of the movie .. "Madness, madness"

    One of the finest movies ever made. Holden's BEST job. Even Obi Wan hardly exceeded hos performance. Hawkins superb.

    And Sessue Hayakawa is totally convincing. I hated him for years, almost as much as I hate Christof Waltz

  16. Interesting thread. Wish I had time to participate.
