
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pre-Humpday Blues!

this one's for Maccusgermanis. Never saw a profile before that listed this as a favorite musician.

That's my kind of blogger.

One of THE greatest bottleneck guitarists ever, whose music straddled blues and gospel.

Blind Willie Johnson
Trouble Soon Be Over

If this one sounds familiar to you, it was used in the opening sequnces of Walk The Line. I love this song.
Dark Was The Night


  1. BTW -- on Dark Was The Night, before you start the video that's a still shot of Blind WIllie McTell, not Blind Willie Johnson.

    McTell played Piedmont blues, and usually used a 12 string guitar, much like Leadbelly did.

  2. That is friggin' awesome.

    I had never heard "Dark Was The Night".

    Paradigm shift.

  3. Thanks. It had crossed my mind, seeing your music posts, to check if anyone had uploaded some Blind Willie Johnson on youtube.
