
Monday, October 19, 2009's a civil, civil war,, SO FAR


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The O'Garbage Factor

Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American.

This should be suhweet-uh, huh?

Last week, when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn charged the Fox News Channel with right-wing bias (four months after a written statement and televised speech .. subsequently pointed out as fact by Fox in which she named Mao as one her two fave philosophers - Epa) , Fox responded the way it always does. It denied the accusation with a straight face while proceeding to confirm it with its coverage.

Consider Fox's Web story on the episode. It quotes five people (besides Dunn who refused any interview - Epa). Two of them work for Fox. All of them assert that administration officials are either wrong in substance or politically foolish to criticize the network. No one is cited supporting Dunn's criticisms or saying that it could make sense for Obama to challenge the network's power. It's a textbook example of a biased journalism.
Uh, exsqueeze me Uh, yah . Uh, hmmm.

Any news organization that took its responsibilities seriously would take pains to cover presidential criticism fairly. It would regard doing so as itself a test of integrity. At Fox, by contrast, complaints of unfairness prompt only hoots of derision and demands for "evidence" that, when presented, is brushed off and ignored.
Uh, you bet.

Rather than in any way maturing, Fox has in recent months become more boisterous and demagogic. Fox sponsored as much as it covered the anti-Obama "tea parties" this summer. Its "fact checking" about the president's health-care proposal is provided by Karl Rove. And weepy Glenn Beck has begun to exhibit a Strangelovean concern about government invading our bloodstream by vaccinating people for swine flu. With this misinformation campaign, Fox stands to become the first network to actively try to kill its viewers.

That Rupert Murdoch may tilt the news rightward more for commercial than ideological reasons is beside the point. What matters is the way that Fox's model has invaded the bloodstream of the American media. By showing that ideologically distorted news can drive ratings, Ailes has provoked his rivals at CNN and MSNBC to develop a variety of populist and ideological takes on the news. In this way, Fox hasn't just corrupted its own coverage. Its example has made all of cable news unpleasant and unreliable.
Why do I keep thinking of the words cart and horse? Or seeing the statements of Walter Cronkite, who was trusted as an arbiter and neutral reporter of objective reality?

Why do I think of what was said and done over the previous 8 years when another ox was being gored, and no such discussion by the Bush admin was fired off?

Whether the White House engages with Fox is a tactical political question
In fact, nothing could be MORE REVELATORY of innate bias by Weisberg himself than this line. Had George Bush, Tony Snow, Ari Fleischer, Karl Rove, and god forbid, Dick Cheney better known in such circles as Sauron, got into a face to face with MSNBC and CNN, and NBCCBSABC as enemies of the admin, and authors of bias and refused to interview with them, Weisberg I ASSURE you, would have been among the first to whip out the Nixon enemies list comparisons.

There is no doubt that a war is going on. A war in which there will be no academic or political prisoners, and no center left alive as friends, companions or respected co-workers, certainly by the left who see them not only as rightists, but as spineless cowards, unresisting to those leaning towards fascism.

Unfortunately for Weisberg, he doesn't explain why Beck was the one to reveal the hard news about Acorn, or point out the comments of Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, Mark Lloyd and Van Jones, and not that paragon of neutral reportage, Rachel Maddow. Nor can he help putting on display his rampantly irresponsible questioning of patriotism at Fox, in part by blaming them for Andersen-Cooper's UNBELIEVABLE 'tea bagging' mind.

People like Weisberg will make it easy for the center to decide between socialism and conservatism even as they try to blur what the Founders had in mind.


  1. Epa,
    Newsweek says: Glenn Beck has begun to exhibit a Strangelovean concern about government invading our bloodstream by vaccinating people for swine flu. With this misinformation campaign, Fox stands to become the first network to actively try to kill its viewers.

    I say: You know, it seems like this is actually a valid complaint against Fox.

    However, even as I say that, I will not be taking the vaccination, and I have never watched the shows Newsweeek it quoting and discussing.

    I just think it's bizarre that our government is pushing a vaccination for a flu that killed so few people.

  2. killing people becuase they didnt get the flu shot?

    it smacks of hysteria to me. every year they talk about it being esential and every year I ignore it and dont get a flu shot.

    in the last 30 years I have had the flu and im still alive....

    as for this asshat railing against fox news, I would ask one thing

    why are you so worried about one news network when literally every other one is smoochin zero's shlong. its gravy train for this administration.

  3. Beck's conclusions can be off the wall, his facts CHECK.

    He takes these facts and sort of marshalls them off a cliff, but his starting point of facts are valid.

    H1N1 seems to kill by allowing into a disrupted body a secondary bacterial infection. This infection happens in 0.1% of cases. 1 out of 1000 with H1N1. Those are who the vaccine can help. While sick, old and young are naturally more vulnerable f this hits them this way, it's still all chance. H1N1 is highly contagious. If 20,000,000 get it, we can plan on 20k in the hospital. As a society, that's a lot. I think the number will be higher. But for the rest, the flu will hardly be worse than normal.

    I understand why CDC argues we should all get the vaccine when you look at the big numbers nationally, but for each of us, 1 out of 1000 doesn't seem like much of a risk.

    So I can't get too worked up either way. It's a stupid subject for Beck (IMHO) as a political issue, and one which makes him look slightly hysterical and whacked, diminishing his real and valid claims about facts.

    He may turn out to be Howard Beale. I advise him to channel Edward R Murrow and add some ice.

  4. Epa,
    You know more about it than me.

    I'm like Rumcrook. I never get vaccinated.

    However, unlike Rumcrook, I also never get sick.


  5. I've had the flu once as long as I can remember. However, since I had a heart attack I allowed Mrs Epa to convince me to get a flu shot last year.

    Not only did I get a ticket on the way to the shot, I felt like shit for 3 days after.

    You can imagine my attitude about that right now

  6. im starting to see a thread run through tis "witch hunt" against fox

    through thier minions and lackeys they are mounting a campaign to destroy oposition to the administration the likes of which ive never seen.

    couple this with the creepy cult of personality bullshit thats been a hallmark since they took office and the crack team scumbag socialist and communist czars that sing the praises of mao, and I see bad things on the horizon

  7. I got the flu (or something damned near like it) right now

    No flu shot (never do)

    Prefer my own homemade remedy if/when it hits

    big hot mug of tea
    shot of good blended whiskey
    shot of lemon juice
    teaspoon of honey

    repeat as necessary until you feel better or feel nothing at all

  8. Check out National Review's website. "Flu season" is pretty much over in most of the southern hemisphere, apparently, and in New Zealand they've had FEWER deaths from flu than usual.

    Reason? The swine h1n1 is just a variation on the A influenza. They think that because it was so mild, and because they had no vaccine for it, it actually innoculated folks against the usual seasonal flu. This type-A or a similar variation thereof has been in "circulation" since 1977, per the article.

    So many of us have at least some immunity.

    Beck's show a few weeks ago had at least two docs with impressive mainstream credentials on opposite sides of the vaccination issue.

    Can you blame some for feeling a bit paranoid when the last time they told us to get vaccinated or we'd all die (ok, a bit of hyperbole, but you get the idea), most of the damage was from the crap vaccine??

    Also, dig the stat that NRO dug up - the feds had predicted up to tens of thousands of fatalites by the "peak" of the swine flu epidemic - mid October.

    I will get the shot, if it ever becomes available. But I will not believe any more panic-inducing crap emanating from the pest-hole of D.C. ever again.
