
Monday, October 19, 2009

Charles Johnson Is Dead ...


just kidding ...

Bela Lugosi is dead, however.


  1. You just watch, Charles will either label me a "libel blogger" (for posting that he is dead, when is not), or he will label me a hate blogger for posting that he is dead, as if I wished he is were dead, which I most certainly do not.

    Wby do I not wish Charles was dead?

    Well, the answer to that question is so clear that even Charles can see it, before I tell you.

    I don't want him to die before he has the opportunity to choose Christ rather than abortion and Darwin ...


  2. The man's religion, and yours for that matter, are no business of mine-- until they impinge against my rights to my religion. However, it seems clear that Johnson's religion is predominant in the land, leaving me little choice but to endure it's ugliness or find some toher place to reside. The alternative is to fight against a vast segment of our own people, nasty and stupid conformity hippies who have no ideas of their own but who lap up the putrid communitarian gruel of the Left intelligentsia.

    For all that fool's prating about "Nazis" I see him s a genuine fascist. Too bad for him I know whereof I write, while he does not, he being a conformity hippie with no ideas of his own. But, rather than fight our own in the streets and supermarkets and parking lots of the homeland, I think it's about time to move on to another country where sanity prevails. Any suggestions? I'm totally stumped.

  3. Or.... If you have room in your basement and don't mind me coming and going at all hours, I might consider that. So long, that is, as Johnson doesn't live there too.

  4. Shiva,
    Let me be clear, I am JOKING.

    I don't care what religion, or non-religion, Charles Johnson practices.

  5. And this is the worst:
