
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Do I Really Believe Obama Will Be Asked./Forced To Resign By His Own Party?


Yes, I do.

I think it is a distinct possibility. I base that on my belief that ideas, when put into action, have inevitable consequences.

Obama's policies, as he articulates them, are and will be, extremely destructive to the American economy. We haven't seen anything near the trouble we will see if Obamacare, and Cap and Trade, go through.

If Obama gets those two ideas enacted into law, the American economy will fall apart.

If the American economy falls apart, that little Tea Party in Washington DC, a month or so back, will be dwarfed by future demonstrations in the streets across America.

If that happens before, say, May/June of 2010, then the Democrats will be forced to run screaming from Obama, or they will all fear for the loss of THEIR jobs.

Understand this, one of the primal and primary mechanisms of all culture is, when the crops don't yield a sacrifice must be found.

It is a lot easier to sacrifice one lamb, than a whole herd of 535 goats.

That's why I believe the Democratic Party will ask/force Obama to resign.

Here's some history that says I just might be correct.


  1. If the American economy falls apart, then the media and the Dems will simply praise Obama for lowering carbon emissions and saving the planet. Remember when Obama said that he would lower the rising oceans? Mission accomplished, his bootlickers in the media will claim.

    I think that you're looking at this too rationally, Pasto. Logically speaking, the Dems should get rid of this far left ideologue if they want to retain control of Congress and the White House in 2010 and 2012. But you're forgetting about the intense emotional investment that his followers have made in Obama. The first black president simply CAN'T be blamed for the multiple failures on his watch. It'll all be someone else's fault: Bush, Wall St, Fox News, capitalism, whatever.

    And don't forget the absolute stranglehold that Obama has on important demographic groups in the US: Nearly 100% of blacks and Muslims, two-thirds of Hispanics and Asians, and a large majority of Jews (even after selling Israel down the river) and the under-30 crowd. Do you think that the Dems will risk permanently alienating these groups by dumping BHO? Not a chance.

    Losing the 2010 and 2012 elections would be far preferable to the Dems then losing key parts of their coalition forever. They will stick with Obama through thick and thin.

  2. Okey doke.

    From where I sit, your analysis doesn't sound correct, but I can understand why you don't believe things work according to rational processes.

    Look at Hitler. He intro'd some ideas. Churchill knew what the result would be were those ideas put into place. Churchill warned what would happen before it happened, and he continued to warn as it happened.

    That's a rational process.

    Look at G.K. Chesterton's analysis of Marxism. He read the ideas, and warned of what would happen were those ideas to be implemented. About 15 years later, they were implemented. And, what happened was exactly as he predicted. Only it took about 70 years for the Liberal media to catch up to what Chesterton said. Reagan caught on in the 50's. Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom in the 40's. That was another warning, and it was before we knew about the Gulag's etc.

    History does, indeed, unfold according to rational processes.

    I guess I could suppose that you are saying the rational process at work is race and it's effect in neutralizing all discussion in America.

    Ok, to a large extent that is true.

    But, it really isn't working so well anymore, though you don't seem to notice that.

    I never bought into that idea. I don't think Americans in general are stupid enough to take kindly to being told they are racist constantly.

    We'll see what happens.

    Anyway, the race argument is irrational, and therefore, it will lose eventually. I think it is already losing. You seem to believe it has a totalitarian control over our country.

  3. What do you think the reaction in the black community would be if the Dems tried to oust Obama? It would make the Rodney King riots look like a walk in the park.

    Would rioting be a rational response to Obama's removal? No it wouldn't, but do you doubt for a second that that's exactly what would happen? People's emotions would trump their rationality in such a situation.

    Anyway the Dems ARE being rational by sticking with Obama come hell or high water. The long-term survival of their ethno-religious coalition is far more important to them than the results of one or two elections are.

    You seem to belittle people for consistently voting along ethnic or religious lines. But this is a universal phenomenon that has always existed and in all likelihood will always exist.

    Whether this voting behaviour is rational or not is a matter that can be debated. But the reality of it can't, and the savvier Democratic political operatives know it. That's why they will never turn against Obama.

    Anyway, by 2012 one of us will be proven right, so we'll just have to wait and see.

  4. Personally I think the day to day consequences of cap and trade would not be evident for too many years, maybe enuf for him to serve two terms b4 the 'deluge'.

    I think it much more likely some foreign event will intervene and rather than see him resign will create a situation so discrediting he will simply serve out his time doing not much amid recriminations pointed at an america and world 'not ready' for such as he.

  5. Epa,
    It is more likely that he would sit out his term in office as a lame duck.

    Thus far, truth be told, he is pretty much a lame duck. He hasn't gotten anything except for the Stimulus passed, and his reputation has only gone down, down, down since then.

  6. Jeppo,
    Maybe I'm a fool. But, I don't perceive the same dangers you perceive.

    It is true, however, that 97% of black people voted for Obama. So, that statistic backs up your belief system. He also got 43% of the white vote.

    So, the way I see it, whites don't fall into your theory, but blacks probably do. Whether they would riot, if Obama was asked to step down if he destroyed the economy the way Jimmy Carter did, is a whole different question.
