
Tuesday, November 03, 2009


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November 3rd, 2009


2012: Politically Correct Apocalypse

Statue of Christ the Redeemer Crumbles

The Kabaa Remains Intact

In Roland Emmerich’s latest film, you will see the destruction of St. Peter’s Cathedral, the Vatican, Notre Dame, and Westminster Abby.

You’ll also see the collapse of the White House, the Capitol, Big Ben, and the House of Representatives.

But 2012,the new film which purports the show the end of world, does not contain any scenes of Saudis being swallowed up by desert storms or Dubai being sucked into a sea of oil.

Yes, all the great structures of Western civiliation and Christianity will be swept away but the monuments of Islam will remain.

The filmmakers admit that they were afraid to depict the destruction of Mecca and the Kaaba for fear of Islamic retaliation.

Emmerich, who is well known for decimating famed landmarks in his The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day, said that that he had no qualms about destruction of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro because he is “against organised religion.”

But remained fearful of depicting anything that must offend the religious sensibilities of Muslims.

The 53-year-old Emmerich admitted that the original screenplay called for a sequence in which the Kaaba disintegrates to dust but realized that such a scene could result in the end of his professional career, if not his demise.


He told Sci-Fi Wire: “Well, I wanted to do that, I have to admit. But my co-writer Harald said I will not have a fatwa on my head because of a movie. And he was right. We have to all in the Western world think about this.

“You can actually let Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is.

“So it’s just something which I kind of didn’t [think] was [an] important element, anyway, in the film, so I kind of left it out.”

2012 is scheduled to open in theaters on November 13.


  1. Or you could interperet it another way. The Muslim world is too irrelevant to even be depicted and you could simply infer that it was destroyed.

  2. By the way, let me just add that Mr. Emmerich likely has no love for Islam. He is very openly gay and lives quite a promiscuous lifestlye with many partners. This is a man that has parties at his home with sometimes over 1,000 men on his guest list. I only know this because an acquaintance of mine was one of his "friends". In fact, he is such a good "friend" that Roland gives him $5,000 a month for doing "nothing". I'm sure Roland is well aware of how Islam views the Gay Community.

  3. Can you hurry up in there please? Some of us really gotta go bad.

  4. Hmmmmm. I wonder if he's against all "organized religion" or just the ones that are likely to whack him.

    There's also the fact that about 99% of an American audience would see the Kaaba imploded and say, "What the hell was that thing?". Roland would of course have to very specifically and graphically portray the deaths of millions of the "believers" to get his point across. This would, at the very least, earn him a nasty letter from CAIR.

  5. Total said...

    Or you could interperet it another way. The Muslim world is too irrelevant to even be depicted and you could simply infer that it was destroyed.

    I say: I think that is reasonable, but Emmerich deserves to be mocked for his being "against all organized religion", and yet only beholden to Islam, and only out of fear.

    He might as well be a Muslim, considering he fears Allah's wrath as much as any Muslim does.

    See what I mean?

    It doesn't help that he's a gay American living off the fruits of America, and yet will not stand up to Islam. He'll stand up to Christianity.

    See, he's no better than the "moderate Muslims" who refuse to stand up.

    That's the sad fact.

    All these people who refuse to stand up are collectively responsible for the evil that is screwing up our world.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Can you hurry up in there please? Some of us really gotta go bad.


  7. @Total, with all due respect, and I respect the gay angle (i practically grew up in Miami Beach) and being anti-organized religion, though I am a proud Roman Catholic & Papist, but this guy is a coward and an anti-Christian bigot....

    He knows neither the Vatican nor any Brazilian (btw, I have been to Cristo Redentor in '03) will go after him, they are soft targets, while he kowtows to Islamo Fascism, which in my estimation is the Cult of Muhammad the Bloody Thug

  8. @Pastorius, thanks for posting and bringing this up to my attention.

    Funny thing, I first heard of this movie through a Facebook contact who is anti-organized religion herself, but I was unaware of the Vatican/Cristo Redentor issue until I read his interview online, and saw the Catholic League denounce him.

  9. For the record, I don't think Total was saying there is anything wrong with being gay. I think Total was mentioning the gay thing because, as is true with so many off-kilter lefties, they have no idea, and refuse to understand, that if they were living in a Muslim country, THEY'D BE THE FIRST TO BE KILLED.
