
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Obama's Amerika: USCIRF Goes Full-On Anti-Semitic

From Jdamn at the Astute Bloggers:


First Obama's anti-Semitic website, and now his anti-Semitic government agency targets Israel, shows its true leftist cards, and displays its incredible capacity for moral equivalence. I wonder why they would do that. I just can't imagine why they would do such a thing.

USCIRF's 2009 Religious Freedoms Report is apparently full of all sorts of social (not political) criticisms of Israel's Jewish character, while accusing Israel of persecuting Christians. No mention, really, of the state-run ethnic cleansing and Judenrein character of Gaza or of the constant violence committed against "settlers" in Judea and Samaria.

In fact, it gives a glowing review of Judenrein Saudi Arabia, where only Mohammedans can become citizens, for all of its "improvements" in terms of religious freedom, which I guess are fairly easy to achieve when only one "religion" can legally be practiced or even outwardly manifested.
( In its 2009 International Religious Freedoms Report, the U.S. State Department accuses Israel of “governmental and legal discrimination against non-Jews and non-Orthodox streams of Judaism.” The JewishIsrael organization, in its review of the document, calls it a “protracted denunciation against Israel’s Jewish character.”


The report emphasizes, “Proselytizing is legal in the country and missionaries of all religious groups are allowed to proselytize all citizens.” It then criticizes Israeli “society” by reporting, “Society's attitudes toward missionary activities and conversion generally were negative. Most Jews were opposed to missionary activity directed at Jews and some were hostile to Jewish converts to Christianity.” Though this sentence merely describes the natural attitude of Jews living in the Jewish State after centuries of religious persecution, the implication is one of criticism.
All proselytizers are annoying. Who doesn't have a negative view of them? Israel is not killing them like they are anyone even rumored to do so in every single Islamic paradise. What's the fatwa-price on Father Zacariah Botros' head now? $50 million ($58.5 million in Obama dollars)? A million Armenians live in Israel. Would they choose to do if Israel persecuted them?

Then it criticizes Jews for visiting the exteriors of their holy sites because people of another "religion" are occupying it, but ostensibly because of traditional Orthodox customs, like those offensive prayer shawls.

Kind of like when they criticize Saudi Arabia for its institutional gender apartheid because Saudi Arabia lets Muslims visit synagogues built on top of mosques in Mecca. Oh wait...

This is part of Obama's propaganda war.


  1. Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the US economy by spending your stimulus check wisely:

    * If you spend the stimulus money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China .
    * If you spend it on gasoline, your money will go to the Arabs.
    * If you purchase a computer, it will go to India .
    * If you purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala .
    * If you buy a car, it will go to Japan .
    * If you purchase useless stuff, it will go to Taiwan .
    * If you pay your credit cards off, or buy stock, it will go to management bonuses and they will hide it offshore.

    Instead, keep the money in America by:

    1 spending it at yard sales, or
    2 going to ball games, or
    3 spending it on prostitutes, or
    4 beer or
    5 tattoos.

    (These are the only American businesses still operating in the US ..)

    I'm going to go to a ball game with a tattooed prostitute that I met at a yard sale, and drink beer! Just call me a patriot.

  2. There's a wide selection of American-made guns and ammo you can buy to support the good old US of A, too.

    And prescription drugs, at least for now.
