
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Did You Hear? Hezbollah Is Appearing At The Lourve? They Rock


  1. Whew! An explosive scene. Now what do you suppose would happen if one would do if an individual had burned a couple of Palestinian Flags, Hamas Flags, and intolerables ? Hmmm? What do you think would happen ?

  2. Edited version;
    Whew! An explosive scene. Now what do you suppose would happen if an individual had burned a couple of Palestinian Flags, Hamas Flags, and those of other intolerables ? Hmmm? What do you think would happen ?

  3. I guess the Muslims would get their feelings hurt and then they'd hold another demonstration just like this.

    Or, they'd burn 1000 cars a night for six weeks, maybe.

    And, of course, France would just let them get away with that shit.
