
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

French Catholic Church: Respect the Rights of Muslims

Just last week French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that the non-Muslims of France need to tolerate Islam. In another act of the slow destruction of Western Civilization, the French Catholic Church has sided with a religion that is out to destroy it. Fighting Islam is not about religion to me, it is about preserving life as we know it for our families future generations. But without a large Christian movement, I do not see us winning this war.

We must respect Muslim rights if we want Islamic countries to respect our rights, warns French Catholic Church as it speaks against burka ban
01st February 2010

The French Catholic Church warned Paris today against banning Muslim full-face veils. It said France must respect the rights of its Muslims if it wanted Islamic countries to do the same for their Christian minorities.

Go read the whole thing at Logan's Warning.


  1. The whole point of Muslim states is that they do not respect the rights of non-Muslims while at the same time insisting that Muslims be allowed to assume special "rights" and privileges all over the world.

    Too many of the Christians would rather worry about the atheists and the people who aren't "Christian enough" than stand up to the Muslims. (Some nitwit objected to Pam celebrating Ayn Rand's birthday at Atlas, because Rand was atheist and nothing-can-save-us-but jesus. I do have a difficult time considering someone like that to be my ally in any sense of the word.

  2. And a particular commenter here seems to not understand that allies can disagree on a thing or two, without being equated to a murderous ideology. A Christian objected to the celebration of an important atheist's birthday? really? I don't suppose that really slowed the Objectivist celebration much. -bought as long as giving a few concise directions might take-

  3. It's always so impressive how another commenter here always gets right to the essentials of the issue. Well, it didn't slow the Objectivist celebration much. It wouldn't slow down Christmas much if every Objectivist on the anti-Islamist blogs chose to call that nonsense either. It would just be a rude out-of-context attack on "allies" in a wider cause.

    Btw, just for the fun of asking, who is supposedly equating whom with a muderous ideology? The commenter on Atlas equated all atheists with Soviet communism, but somehow I don't think that is what you meant.

  4. Sometime when you've calmed down a bit -whenever that may be- examine your previous post for truth about islam, rather than digs at allies. Speaking of inappropriate, am I to presume that these Catholics in France should just keep their mouths shut for fear that muslims too might have something to say? ...Or is that what is exactly happening? Perhaps they could get away with some suggestive eyeblack?

  5. mac

    So far, you've answered posts from me by asking if I'd rather I'd never been born, suggesting I believe French Catholics should "just keep their mouths shut", and some as yet unexplained nonsequittor about a "muderous ideology". This "discussion" is going nowhere and even a retired person has a limited amount of time to waste. Let's call it a draw.

  6. A draw? As in you're actually content that another person somewhere in the world may not think exactlly as you do?

  7. "Too many of the Christians would rather worry about the atheists and the people who aren't "Christian enough" than stand up to the Muslims. (Some nitwit objected to Pam celebrating Ayn Rand's birthday at Atlas, because Rand was atheist and nothing-can-save-us-but jesus. I do have a difficult time considering someone like that to be my ally in any sense of the word."
    The same could be said for atheists and I would venture that a greater percentage of atheists are sympathetic to mohammedanism as compared even to nominal Christians. As far as true believers there isn't even a comparison in that the largest opposition to mohammedanism in my experience is top heavy with true believers.
    Having said that, we are actually probably in agreement...WTF are they thinking?
