
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Islamic Bloc and Their Leftist Allies Vigorously Defend Iran’s Human Rights Record at UN, Nicaragua Cites Sharia as Excuse for Bloody Crackdown...


Ideologically the Godless left and the Islamists couldn't be further apart, yet they remain steadfast allies, something I will never understand....

Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers.


  1. They serve the same spirit, the only difference is that the mohammedans acknowledge that it is a spirit while the left doesn't.

    They are unified in their opposition to the Christian ethic of tolerance, freedom, and morality as prescribed in the Bible. That is in fact the main goal of the spirit which they serve.

  2. I also find it ironic that just as the oh so educated and sophisticated western intelligentsia celebrates their perceived establishment of a post-Christian religiously free society in Europe they are suddenly being whacked on the side of the head with a so called 'religion' which puts any intolerance they may have imagined in Christianity to shame.

    It's like Mephistopheles has unexpectedly shown up to collect the bill.
