
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Missile Defense Logo Brouhaha reaches Drudge


Can someone tell me WHY we need a new logo?
Or who was hired to design it?
Or how much it cost?
Or what benefit this new logo brings?


  1. Epaminondas

    I'm asking you the same question I asked AOW a few days ago,

    === What the shining star stands for? The Ka'aba?!... ===

    Please help. I must know!


  2. a successful intercept I am sure.

    This would be absurd except that good money/human resources was spent to achieve, what?

    I do NOT believe this is some subtle signal from Obama. He could care less about missile defense except to make an example of it via budget cuts to prove how harmless we are.

    Missile defense and it's stupid logo is beneath Obama's radar.

  3. Observation: The star on the new logo reminds me of the Star of Bethlehem on certain Christmas cards.

    A coincidence, I'm sure.

  4. The blue circle would be the Earth - the crescent shape would indicate we're viewing the moon-god pundits' side of it - the red bars probably indicate incoming missiles from the zionist/crusader alliance - the central location of the airburst detonations on the blue crescent would indicate Alexander Münch probably pegged the right location - and the distinctive "O" shape outlined by the crescent is a double play on the words "Obama" and "Offense", as in 'the best missile defense is a good missile offense'.

    If that counter-intuitive interpretation is right, I rather like the new design. Yes I do.

  5. Was I the only one who wrote the MDA? Hee, my FBI file grows daily!

    Anywho: Here is their answer:

    Thank you for your email to the Missile Defense Agency regarding the graphic design shown at the top of our website pages. This design was developed three years ago for use on a variety of recruiting materials at universities, job fairs and other recruiting venues. It has not replaced the official Missile Defense Agency heraldry prominently displayed on our website as well as on all Agency news releases, fact sheets and other information materials. It also has no connection to any political entity or campaign, and was developed well in advance of the 2008 election. Again, thank you for your email to the Missile Defense Agency.
