
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Murderous Actions Of Pro-Obama, Pro-Elite Amy Bishop (Alabama Prof That Shot Coworkers, Brother) Are Being Blamed On...Wait For It....The Tea Party Movement

True Slant Amy Bishop race-in-america-

I can't believe it took them this long to make the completely fabricated connection . . .

Via Legal Insurrection: There is no actual link between Alabama-Hunstville shooter Amy Bishop and the Tea Party movement.

By all accounts, Bishop was extremely liberal and a huge Obama fan (to the point of being described by someone who knew her as being obsessed with Obama).

But in keeping with the attempt to smear as crazy the Tea Party movement specifically, and anyone who is not a Democrat generally, now comes the inevitable attempt to link the Tea Parties and Bishop, centered on a charge of shared racism.


  1. Who are the idiots trying to claim that? Here in Massachusetts the buzz is all about how this crazy lady got a pass on murdering her brother and allegedly mailing a pipe bomb to a Harvard professor, plus she and her family are turning out to have been the bane of several Boston-area neighborhoods over the years. (The fracas in the I-Hop happened about 4 blocks up from the Borders I used to work at.) Anyone who tries that "three minority professors" outside of the People's State of Cambridge would be laughed right out of the state.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pastorius,

    I pretty much agree Revere Rides Again here. This whole thing is as absurd as it is disturbing. The idea that anyone would try to blame stuff like this on the tea parties is ridiculous. Get a life people. And also, just because the three professors who were murdered happened to be minorities and the perpetrator was white, does not prove that race was a motive. Also according that Legal Insurrection article you linked to, the perpetrator Amy Bishop, actually supported Obama. This seems to be a desperate attempt to link violance to the Tea Parties and racism to conservatism. Also even if this attack was motivated by racial hatred, one racist attack would not prove that America today is a racist country. There are societies much more racist than ours. One hate crime does not equal a racist society.

  4. the deflection techniques are right out of the 'community organizer' hand-book-Rules for Radicals...

  5. It was a panel of about 8-10 faculty people, I think, and Bishop started with the first one and was working down the line. The people who were shot were sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong order in a room with a lunatic who should have been jailed for murder 20 years ago. Anyone who tries to turn this into a racist incident is as big a fool as the ones who let her get away with murder and lesser crimes all these years.
