
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Muslim Rapes Christian Toddler for Refusal to Convert to Islam

From Trencherbone:

Christian girl aged 21/2 raped then left to die for the greater glory of Allah.

I've just picked this story up from a link at Ritual Murder and Human Sacrifice in Islam (a pretty horrifying post in its own right). I missed the story when it first broke. For some reason the BBC didn't report it.

"Baby Neeha, at the age of 21/2, was raped by the son of her father's employer and left to die by the roadside, he said. No one was arrested for the crime.

These horrific events took place because her father, who was Christian, refused to give in to pressure from his Muslim employer to convert to Islam," El Shafie said.

The family went underground in Pakistan to hide from Muslim extremists who were seeking revenge for their non-conversion, he said.

"The family has lived for years in hiding and in constant fear of being discovered by the employer's family or Islamic extremists," El Shafie said. "We are thrilled that she's finally in Canada."

For those of us seeking a better understanding Islam, there are a few points to note:

The rapist wasn't prosecuted, because according to Islamic law he hadn't committed any crime. The 'prophet' Mohammed was a child-rapist, and Mohammed is the perfect man and role model for all Muslims. Also, rape is a legitimate weapon of Jihad, especially against children, as we saw in the Beslan school attack.

Not only had the rapist not committed any crime, but his action was actually commendable from the Islamic point of view, because spreading Islam (by whatever means may be necessary) is the greatest good which justifies ANY action. The system of morality (if it can be called that) in Islam is totally different from that in any other religion.

This attack also shows a common Islamic trait of getting at Christians by attacking children and other vulnerable people (as at Beslan and in the 'Street Jihad' intifada by young Muslim men).

No compulsion in religion
The fate of baby Neeha should make us wary of Muslims who tell us that the Koran says there should be 'no compulsion in religion'. Yes the Koran does say that, but the statement is null and void, as the Muslim propagandists (but not the gullible infidels) very well know.

The Koran is full of contradictions, and later violent verses (such as 'Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them') abrogate (cancel out) the earlier peaceful ones.

The early peaceful verses where written when Mohammed was trying to recruit his fellow citizens of Mecca to join his cult. But he didn't have much success among the people he'd grown up with, because they knew he was a nutjob.

So he moved to Medina and adopted a different strategy of recruiting criminals and psychopaths by promising them lots of rape, murder and pillage in the service of Allah. This worked perfectly and gave us the version of Islam we see in action in the world today.

Quoting abrogated parts of the Koran to deceive the infidels is one of the tactics of taqiyya (lying and deception in the cause of Islam).

As I said before, increasing the power of Islam justifies ANY action, which includes lying as well as rape, murder and anything else you can think of.

Consequently, Jens Orback is living in fluffy-bunny-land if he thinks that if we are nice to the jihadists when they're in the minority, they'll be nice to us when we're in the minority. There will be many thousands of baby Neehas as multiculturalism is implemented throughout Europe.


  1. Pastorius,

    This is just one of those stories that makes decent people like us sick to their stomach!

  2. Christian Soldier,

    I think there will always be some pacifists no matter what happens, as for when the overwhelming majority of Christians quit turning the other cheek and start really fighting back? I wish I knew the answer to that question, however a lot of Christians and others who oppose the Islamitization of the world, are already fighting back.

  3. CS

    The reason Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek is Matthew 5:39 "But I say unto you, That you resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on they right cheek, turn to him the other also".

    I didn't say it, so don't jump on me. He did. I have no idea why. Self defense is a rational value. Resisting evil is a moral imperative.

    Most people in this country have never heard the story of that poor little girl and her family. Many wouldn't believe it, others would make excuses ("well, there's child abuse here too ya know"), most would just dismiss it as something that happens "over there". They won't start to notice until it a) starts happening too often too close to home, and/or b) they learn about it after the fact, as most Americans learned about the Hallocaust. If it starts happening to their kids will they "resist not evil"?

    Hope not.

  4. If the mainstream media would report stories like this one, more people would have a reality check with regard to Islam.

    As long as the whitewash continues, the barbarism will continue.

  5. RRA,
    Those words came from the same man who did this:

    "The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables. Making a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves, "Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!"

  6. Regardless of whether the man resisted or not (it probably wouldn't matter in Pakistan anyway) isn't the point. The real problem is what 'Always on watch' pointed out.
    The majority of people still look at mohammedanism as some exotic religion and not the violent, intolerant, fascist, murderous pedophile worshiping death cult that it REALLY IS.
    If and when the truth is known resistance will materialize quickly.

  7. I can remember the first time I actually heard someone who I respected to some degree intellectually put down mohammedanism. Being a product of a Western Judeo-Christian tolerant culture I was taken aback and responded with an 'I don't know about that' type answer..... Then I began to read and the resistance immediately materialized in my heart.

    The spiritual conspiracy that works to keep mohammedanism hidden must be defeated or it will surely defeat us.

  8. CJK,
    When I met my father-in-law, back in the early late 80's, I thought he was a "racist", because of the way he talked about Muslims.

    Shortly after 9/11, we went camping at the beach, and he and I sat up late talking. He told me about how he had personally fought against the Muslim Jihadists on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines.

    His stories helped me to begin to understand the problem.

  9. I even used to watch how I spoke the name allah (Satan) because I thought it was a term for God.
    As concerns the Philippines, I've just started reading a book by Gracia Burnahm titled 'In The Presence of My Enemies' about her kidnapping by the Abu Sayyaf while a missionary in the islands. Although I've only read about a quarter of the book, I would already recommend it.

  10. Revere Rides Again,

    As for the claim that wide spread acceptance of Christianity leads to pacifism, you are going to have explain Europeans conquering their neighbors long after their civilizations became christian. In addition you are going to have to explain the crusades, and why America was so united and determined to defeat the Nazis and imperial Japan, during a time when it could be argued that it was even more Christian than it was now. During the nineteen forties, there was prayer in public schools, teaching evolution was still illegal in some states, and president Roosevelt mentioned God in many of his speeches without any outcry.
