
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oncoming Train

Here's a piece of artwork I found which I believe perfectly evokes what is going to happen if we do not start coming up with some serious solutions to the problem of the Islamization of the West.

As long as our solutions are middle-of-the-road, there is no avoiding ...


  1. "As long as our solutions are middle-of-the-road, there is no avoiding ..."

    I have said this before and I will say again . . . . only a far right wing government will do what is necessary. It may be the only way however unpalateable that may be or we bow to Islam.

  2. And, as I have said before, as far as the "far right-wing government" is not race-based, then I have no disagreement.

    We will need to do things in a very different manner. We need to lock up or deport every Muslim who advocates for Sharia and Jihad. That will be costly and time-consuming.

    If that is "right-wing", then I'm a right-winger.

  3. I agree with you Pastorius. I'm most certainly right wing, and I am neither a racist or a religious fanatic. The West must not only survive this, it must do so with its most fundamental values intact. Otherwise, even if we are never Islamized, in a way we would have lost. One reason I would have a problem with a race based government gaining power in the West, besides people of other "races" being treated as less worthy and the possibility of another holocaust, is that we need to survive just to prove to the rest of the World that societies that are based on neither religion or race can survive. Those who think that the West needs to turn to racism as a means of defeating the Jihadists needs to be proven wrong. Anyone who thinks that we need to abondan our religious tolerance and freedom of religion, in order to survive this, needs to be proven wrong.

  4. There are already some signs of a backlash agianst what is happening, particularly in Europe. I think the tide maybe already starting to turn in our favor. At this point, even if Wilders is convicted, there maybe one small silver lining. I could lead to a lot of outrage. He's very popular over in Holland, from what I understand. The politicians who supported his prosecution, or stood by and did nothing might find themselves out of office, if he's convicted. Also if Wilder's is not convicted, he may become the nation's next prime minister.

  5. The perfect metaphor: the oncoming train.


    Right wing doesn't necessarily denote racist.

  6. Always On Watch,

    Obviously that is true, because I'm right wing and I know a lot of other right wing people who are not racists as well. Many of them are leaders in the conservative movement right now, and there are no mainstream conservatives who are racists.

  7. Ray thinks the BNP needs to win. Ray defines the BNP, as I understand it, as a "far right-wing" government. Therefore, I conclude Ray believes the answer is a racist governmenet like the BNP would run.

  8. ... which is not to say I think Ray is a racist, just that, if I am right in my conjecture, then I think he is mistaken.

  9. Here's a real question to ponder. Well, before we get to the question, let's see if we agree upon a few axioms (if I may use the term):

    1) Western society is the incubator of many ideas and cultural touchstones which are very important to the survival of mankind on a massive and cohesive scale - our science is the result of our thought, our culture is the result of our philosophy plus our religious and cultural values, our arts are the result of our freedom of expression and of the wealth we have which allows us to luxuriate in beauty and thought)

    Ok, do we agree? Are there more "axioms" to add? I'm guessing there are.

    Ok, now here's the question:

    Is our belief that ALL men are created equal and ought to be afforded equality in the eyes of the Law

    1) foundational to Western Civilization


    2) something we can abandon, still leaving Western Civilization pretty much intact?

  10. Pastorius,

    Our ideals of all men being created equal is not something we can abandon without fundamentally altering our character in a bad way. We cannot abandon it, without fundamentally altering Western society, in an abhorrent way. What we call Western Civilization would be radically different if we abandoned that principal. That is why, even if we stopped the Islamitization of the west entirely, but did so, only by completely abandoning that principal, in an important way, we would have still lost.

  11. a fabulous perspective illustration - both literally and figuratively..thank you...

  12. Racism, that bug-a-boo of so many today, is a LEFTIST proposition. The BNP is a Leftist party. Conservatives are not de facto Reactionaries. The Founding Fathers were not conservatives: they were Revolutionaries. They were Enlightenment philosophes, not philosophers. Liberals are not conservatives, they are progressives. Marxists are not revolutionaries, they are neo-fuedalists.

    Many, many political ideas we have today are so confused as to be nonsensical for one simple reason: people don't understand the terms they use.

    The terms above have clear and coherent meanings, and we can know them and use them. If we just rely on our intuition about what words mean, then we won't have much idea and we'll convey confusion and create discord.

    Racism is a Leftism. I like it so much that I think I see a headline for a post-to-come here. Racism is a Gnostic/Left pseudo-science from the early 19th century. It was "progressive." It was Leftist. It still is. Racism will always be a Leftism.

  13. "Ray thinks the BNP needs to win. Ray defines the BNP, as I understand it, as a "far right-wing" government"

    The BNP gaining power is such a long shot as to be impossible.

    The BNP is the only political party that would stop Islamification. As they won't gain power we had better prepare to submit.

    The best we can hope for is that they deprive Labour of a few seats in Parliament.

    Their rise has allowed free discussion on the immigration issue which is a good thing. This small island cannot take the Afghans, Somalis and other sub Saharan peoples etc. WE need to become fortress Britain.

    The BNP have changed their constitution to allow ALL to join. They should not be described as racist.

    It is true that they could be described as leftist but the media label them as far right. An enigma wrapped in a paradox. A bit like me.
