
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When Zionists and Wahabbis agree PRECISELY, attention should be paid

Saudi official questions new sanctions on Iran

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia's foreign minister on Monday expressed doubts about the usefulness of more sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

Prince Saud al-Faisal told a news conference in the Saudi capital that the threat posed by Iran's nuclear ambitions demands a more immediate solution than sanctions. He described sanctions as a long-term solution, and he said the threat is more pressing.

Is any further comment required? (except the misleading nature of some of the headlines over this)

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  1. Jews and Wahabbis agree?

    The world is coming to an end ... for Iran.

  2. Hi Epaminondas,

    What are you wink-winking and hinting at?...
    You want to tell me that the Saudis and the IDF are exchanging their IFF* code numbers now?!
    IFF* = Identity of Friend or Foe
    See the control box here:-

    Next time you visit Mecca, ask the guy in uniform to give you the empty box of their IFFs ...
    If you find a document in it ( I'm sure you will, they don't smoke "Grass" rolled in such a low paper quality...),
    you will see, TESTED AND APPROVED BY:- AM !

    Now, go and figure out, who the focking AM INFIDEL is this one?...

