
Friday, March 05, 2010

Analysis and Video: Obama Is An Angry, Not So Young, Man

From Faces In The News:

I have also noticed that Obama is angry in all of his speeches lately. This is apparent in the video. You will see all of his subtle expressions and I will describe what they mean in a caption. Here are some of the statements and expressions from today:

  1. “Time to give the American people control”, he hides his lips. If you want to know what this means, tuck your own lips in right now. You feel like you are hiding something? This is the expression of a secret keeper. He doesn’t really want to give control to anyone, this statement doesn’t make him feel good.
  2. “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”, hides lips. Do this now yourself, turn your lips in, see how it makes you feel, secrets? He doesn’t really mean this.
  3. “Those practices would end”. He gives a look of contempt.
  4. “Many republicans embraced in the past” – head back, looks down his nose. Feeling of superiority. Almost every time he mentions “republicans”, he puts his head back and looks down his nose. He is trying to let them know he his superior to them.
  5. When he talks about money, there is excessive blinking. This shows high anxiety and this subject is causing a physiological reaction. Excessive blinking is usually accompanied by a rapid heart rate.
  6. “bring down our deficit” – head drops, looks up with eyes. He has feelings of guilt here. He doesn’t want you to see that he doesn’t believe this statement.
  7. “This is a complicated issue”, head down off to side, eyes look up. This is the “teacher” or “father” look. He doesn’t think Americans can understand the complicated issue.
  8. “How this will play out”, he grins on one side of his mouth. He thinks he knows how this will play out.

Obama’s left upper eyelid was puffy. This is an indication of personal issues that are causing him stress, worry, high levels of anxiety. Troubles on the home front? This, combined with the dark circles under his eyes might show that he is over indulging in some activity and it is having an adverse affect on his relationship.

I wasn’t the only one that thought it was odd that he never looked into the camera. He can’t look at the American people. If you look at his past speeches, approximately 50% of the time was spent looking right into the camera. Next time, he will overcompensate and look into the camera too much.

1 comment:

  1. I think his body language said ~~~

