
Friday, March 05, 2010

and now for something completely different!

a month of drinking, sunning and traveling Peru

March 5, 2010 by rumcrook™

and I need a vacation from my vacation…

4 wheeling, driving the panamerican like a maniac in a mad max movie chartered a plane and flew over the nasca lines. hit the beaches and generally enjoyed myself

I spent a week drinking in my mother in laws pub/taverna

and painting murals on the walls. nothing says fun like drinking painting and shouting fuck you im piccasso! none of my inlaws speak english so the joke was lost on everyone but me...

pastorious invited me once (if I ever picked up a brush again) to show my work here, so here it is. and yes my mother in law is an americanphile who loves horses and the name lone star so thats what she named her pub

entry wall

right wall



  1. Brilliant! Que la suegra viva una vida larga y saludable con mucho amor y alegria! Alegria a todos, y una fria cerveza, tambien!

  2. My mother in law is an americanphile who loves horses and the name lone star so thats what she named her pub.
