
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Christian Convert Son Of Hamas Leader: "Moderate Islam Does Not Exist"


  1. An awesomely brave young man---listening last evening-I almost could not believe someone was speaking the truth about Islam on national TV---!!!
    I pray for his protection...

  2. His candor is appreciated but I wonder if there will be any long standing effect for his efforts, given similar interviews by:

    *Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani (3 ex-terrorists)(deemed to controversial)

    *Noni Darwish, daughter of Colonel Mustafa Hafez commander of the Egyptian Army Intelligence in Gaza, founder of the fedayeen who launched raids across Israel's southern border, that between 1951 and 1956, killed some 400 Israelis, the majority civilians. IDF targeted daddy dearest with a specially delivered pkg. Poof.

    . . . have not taken hold in the msm. Will it be different with the son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, founder of Hamas?

  3. Anonymous,
    You have a good point, but part of what is happening here is a dynamic; a domino effect.

    Gradually, more and more Muslims are going to either tell the truth, or even better, convert and tell the truth.

    We are winning the war of hearts and minds in the ME. Father Zakaria is having a massive effect.

  4. Pray for all who come to their senses and recognize Islam for the cesspool it is.

  5. They need heroes who can look a god in the eye and say, "You lie". This young man is one of those heroes.

  6. Oh my god, I just heard him on Joy Behar, (yes, she's a pain), cause I hadn't watched this clip and he is awesome. What a charasmatic man. And please forgive me for this, but he's hot too! Is he married? Damn, he's something! Now I will watch the clip:)

  7. Oh my god! He's amazing. What a man. Okay, now must find out if he's married:)

  8. Dang, he's happily married. What a lucky woman. Cause he is one hunk of a man, just the most charasmatic man I have heard in a long while. I must buy his book!
