
Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Minority student groups rioted and took over a building last week at UC San Diego, in response to what they claimed was a rising tide of racism on campus.

The specific incident which caused the riots was a noose which was found hanging in a campus library.

I didn't write about it at the time, because I didn't want to air my opinion, without facts to back it up, but I was God Damned sure that noose had been planted not by some White Supremacist on campus, but by some grievance-oriented minority.

And, damn it all, if I wasn't exactly fucking right.

Hey, go ahead, grievance-planet-people, pull the floor our from underneath yourself. Cry Wolf over and over. Be like Chicken Little.

None of us are going to believe you anymore. That will be the result. Is that the result you are looking for?

Fucking pathetic.

From the LA Times:
The UC San Diego student reportedly responsible for hanging a noose last week in a campus library issued a public, but anonymous, apology Monday and said she had no racist motivation.

The noose's discovery set off protests at a school that is already tense from recent racially charged episodes and triggered condemnations from UC leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In a letter published Monday on the front page of the UC San Diego student newspaper, the Guardian, the student wrote that the incident was "a mindless act and stupid mistake" and was not meant to recall the lynching of blacks.

"As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain," the student wrote. She was suspended Friday and remains under investigation for a possible hate crime.

The sky is falling.


  1. She should be punished to the full extent of the law without mercy.
    She'll probably just get the Rangel treatment.

  2. Looks like Jenn of the Jungle agrees with me on this. It was, obviously, the work of some grievance-monger.
