
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sheikh issues fatwa against all terrorists

Muslim leaders urged to denounce suicide bombers as hell-bound 'unbelievers'

From the Independent:

British imams must do more to condemn terrorism without any "ifs or buts" and should pronounce suicide bombers as "unbelievers" who are destined for hell, a leading Islamic scholar declared yesterday.

The comments were made during a remarkable assault on the ideology of violent Islamist extremists by Pakistani-born Sheikh Tahir ul-Qadri, a prominent theologian who launched a seminal fatwa in London yesterday condemning terrorism in all its forms.

The 59-year-old scholar, who has written more than 400 books on Islamic jurisprudence, told fellow Muslims: "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any kind of excuses of ifs and buts. The world needs an absolute, unconditional, unqualified and total condemnation of terrorism".

Make of it what you will.

I've got to wonder if the guy thinks creeping Sharia is a better strategy.


  1. I have to go to work now, but be prepared for "my piece of mind" on the subject when I come home!

    I'LL BE BACK !

  2. this man, based on what he says, is a decent, ethical human being. he makes Choudary look like the spoilt little trouble-maker that he is.

  3. You see? I'm back as promised !

    Another fatwa condemning terrorism? What's new in this one? How come now? Did they "ran out' of virgins in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza and 1000 other places? Too many dead Muslims ( By Muslims! ) because of terrorism? Is the a/m Imam suffering from a terminal illness and unbearable pain? ( euthanasia is out of the question because no Fatwa permits it! ).

    “Arafat would condemn terror operations by day while at night he would do honorable ( NOBEL ... ) things,” said Dahlan, who served as top advisor to Arafat’s successor, Palestinian leader Abu Mazen.

    German historian Karl Von Clausewitz almost said, "Terrorism is a diplomacy ( of the LOSERS ) by another means ." and if this method fails to bring the goods too, then do what Gobbles did :- Lie about it ! And don't forget to repeater the lie time and again with a lot of "Taqiyah" !... Hire the good services of Muhammad Goldstone and make sure you are visible frequently on El-Jazira and Pllywood ! The Islamo-Lefto Zombies will get Hypnotized by it and finally have their first 'hard on' and start screwing one another!


    " condemning terrorism " or " fighting terrorism " is NOT the issue! These are just hollow word ! An Hoax !
    The last Fatwa is just cover-up and diversion from the " Mother of all Fatwas " which is :-


    P.S. If I don't see on your Blog in the next 72 hours that the IMAM was assassinated, then you will have to admit that I'm right!

  4. If terrorism can be described as just on of the many 'arms' of the Jihad, I guess this Sheik could then be characterized as the open hand that catches the clenched fist of the other hand as the bully menacingly walks toward you.

  5. Takiyya ! Full throttle Ahead !

    When Muslim religious leaders, often taken to task for not speaking out against terrorism publicly, decide to come out strongly with denunciations, they deserve broad support from people all over the world. In order for anti-terrorist Muslim leaders to undermine the currents of extremism, they need help getting their message out. Let's not let their voices be drowned out by the loudest and vilest of their counterparts, who preach hate. Everyone can do their part. Listen to the voices of reason; pass on what you hear.


  6. Alexander said: If I don't see on your Blog in the next 72 hours that the IMAM was assassinated, then you will have to admit that I'm right!

    I say: Yes, sadly, I think you are correct.
