
Thursday, May 27, 2010



  1. Oh my god, I just was flipping channels and Joy Behar had the ground zero place of warship story, adn I think that was Pamela Geller, but I'm not sure what she looks like, and I came to it mid-through. Funny how the journalist says he sees both sides but comes down on America being tolerant and inclusive!!! Yeah, just like the Muslim world is so inclusive and tolerant. I don't know what Pamela Geller got to say, if that was her, but man, I would have said so much about Mooslim tolerance and inclusion!

    Wake up America!!!

  2. Oh, and ... if that was Pamela Geller, she was a lot more calm and collected than I would have been.

    When the Mooslim world frees their people, when Mooslilms don't have to live under theocracies and dictatorships, when Africans aren't coerced into being Mooslims, ... maybe we should show some tolerance for them!!

    This is unreal! That they would even get this far in their plans is such an insult. Yes, I would have been foaming at the mouth, but Pamela was very collected.

  3. Just to be on topic here, Israel we know how great you are and real Americans support you and will always support you!
