
Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Is Michael Jordan Sportin' A Hitler Mustache These Days?

What a goon.

I can almost guarantee you there is more to this story.

A person doesn't get up every morning looking at that dumbass mustache and decide to keep it unless there is a fuckin' reason.

There's no way he doesn't know his shitstain of a stache looks like a Hitler mustache.

Fuck Michael Jordan. He deserves to get his ass beat.

UPDATE - Well, at least, he's in good company. Check out this photo of Robert Mugabe, wearing a similar shitstain stache:



  1. Don't be ridiculous. Every Adolf is a nazi? Every swastika is a nazi symbol? Every mini mustache is Hitler mustache?

    Do you even know how retarded any of those claims sound?

  2. When you're a tard, you don't know you are, cuz you're too stupid to know.

    Z, do you have a Hitler mustache? When you get up in the morning, every day of your life, do you look at it and say to yourself, "Damn, I'm Z, I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars, people love me, and I look good rockin' this Hitler stache?"

    I bet you do, huh?

    Thanks for the criticism.

    Now that I know I'm a tard, I think I'll go pick up some books on retardation and learn what my limits are.

  3. Yikes!!!

    Oh, and don't forget This Nazi!!

  4. I know the history. I know about both Chaplin and Max Fleisher.


    Now, here's something else I know about, and William, if I am not mistaken, you know about too;


    I really should have made it more clear.

    Michael Jordan is not just a human being. He is a Brand. He is a Brand which sells Brands. Brands do not just change their logo willy-nilly.

    When Michael Jordan looks in the mirror and decides he's going to grow a Hitler stache, he is going to hear it from his Agent, Manager, and from the people who run the Marketing and Advertising for the Brands he represents as the Brand Michael Jordan.

    Someone along the way must have expressed some reservations, wouldn't you think?

    But, Michael Jordan wants to sport that stache. There is no questioning him. He wants that stache and he's gonna have that stache.

    That stache is important to him.

    That's my take here.

    What do you think? Michael Jordan just got up, looked in the mirror, and decided, "You know, I'm gonna grow a Hitler mustache, cuz I like 'em" - and then, everyone just kept their mouth shut?

    Is that what you think?

  5. so hitler does some bad shit and nobody gets to wear the mustache he had on without being labeled bad as well? hmmm... yes, my gilette took a little more off on the sides today, i clearly should be treated like i gassed a bunch of people....

  6. Yeah, sure. Fuck him! What a goon! I hope he gets his ass beat!

    Let's see, he is only the greatest basketball player ever, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars, an international celebrity.

    It's not like he's some unemployed middle-aged fat fuck lardass, ex-druggy who went clean when he turned to Jesus and now uses his drug-addled brain to blog. But THANK THE LORD that said unemployed middle-aged white guy has a faithful, hardworking immigrant wife from the Philippines, who (by his own admission) was always more American than he ever was, and who is, and always will be, more American than he is. Said diligent immigrant wife from the Philippines keeps her husband and children off welfare.

    Now, personally, I am absolutely baffled why y'all would post such a thing. So a guy grows an ugly, ridiculous-looking mustache which looks vaguely like a Hitler mustache (but not really, it's too narrow. Hitler's mustache was as wide as the base of his nose, it's really a Mugabe mustache...), and you're attacking him? If the above description matches you, then it is simply a jealousy thing.
