
Thursday, June 24, 2010

The unasked question around McChrystal

Has everyone talking about dates for beginning withdrawal from that execrable land of desert, mountain, rock, and sand, ROE's, change of command issues, whether we are winning or losing, if we CAN win, if any nation can win, if we should win, winning hearts and minds, causing casualties, COIN, and everything else forgotten why WHY WE WENT TO AFGHANISTAN?

Forgotten why we overthrew without any doubt of our rightness, the hideous 9th century morons who had by virtue of the defeat of the USSR and the tired lack of attention by the west invited as religious brethren the mass murderers into their hearts and minds?

The only question for the USA is HOW THE TALIBAN MUST ALL DIE.


If that means that countrysides are laid waste so we can have coffee at our desks in midtown Manhattan.. WE DID NOT START THIS WAR.
We did not bomb Mecca, or Damascus, or Al Quds. We did not attack Riyadh, or Baghdad (we stopped in 1991). We invaded no arab or muslim lands, and our presence was the result of invitations.

But the arrogance, the religious superiority and murderous responsibility these 'believers' felt CAUSED us to come to Afghanistan, and there is no point discussing leaving until the Taliban are dead.

Or we do not invite a repeat, we decide it WILL HAPPEN.

There is no alternative short of the the attack on an american city or the death of all Taliban and Al Qaeda.
The are no moderate Taliban. No 'common sense' Taliban.
There are religious murderers, drug growers and distributors, gangsters, tribal hegemons operating as cartels of one sort or another and the rest are poor bastards who are fucked. But they are because even though they were all ARMED TO THE TEETH they accepted these bastards.

But that CANNOT be allowed to mean we let Manhattan turn into a burning building jumpers paradise because we cannot fight war to the death with these morons without harming anyone we don't mean to.

That's THIS world. And we cannot make it better as long as the Taliban are in it.
We went to Afghanistan to KILL THE TALIBAN and have forgotten the mission.


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  1. The Taliban didn't ride on the aircraft into the WTC and the Pentagon. Saudis did. I'm not opposing the death of Taliban, however barack hussein obama bowed deeply to the Saudi king and accepted his gold medal.

    Just something to keep in mind.

  2. Something Sherman didn't say, though he may very well have thought it (being and intellient and honest man) is that evading the need to resolve a problem as unsupportable as slavery or Islam will inevitably lead to a lot of people being killed for the reasons he so persuasively stated and demonstrated.

    600,000 dead because of people who refused to acknowledge that they had no right to own other people. How many because of people who refuse to recognize the intentions of relentless would-be world tyrants in the name of something as vicious and idiotic as Islam?
