
Thursday, July 29, 2010

President Barack Obama blames the media ... and Bush and the Repubs, and everyone else

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President Barack Obama blames the media for creating a "phony controversy" over racial remarks by a black Agriculture Department official that were posted on the Internet. His administration ousted the employee, but then apologized and offered to rehire her.

In an interview on ABC's daytime talk show "The View," Obama says the media often seek controversy, not the facts. But he acknowledged that the forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod could also be blamed on those in his administration who overreacted.

What happened to 'I'm the prez, the admin is MY responsibility and we blew this one (too!)"


  1. Epaminondas,

    Blames others for his problems? Now that's taking responsibility. If only we had a leader in the white house who would be more willing to actually admit his mistakes.

  2. what did bambi say? he blows?

  3. What happened to 'I'm the prez, the admin is MY responsibility and we blew this one (too!)"

    He's incapable of that much taking of responsibility.
