
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

9/11 MOSQUE IMAM BOASTS, "Obama's historic speech in Egypt came from me!"


Image from Time Magazine

Pamela comments:
One might think that Imam Feisal was merely showing off to the Arab media: the braggadocio of a conceited megalomaniacal man with delusions of grandeur -- so grand, in fact, that he intends to build of mega mosque on the thousands of graves of innocent Americans slaughtered in the largest Islamic attack (or any attack for that matter) on American soil.

But it is not braggadocio. In audio tapes I am currently reviewing, Imam Rauf's power reach is at the highest levels imaginable. He is a grand jihadist, a master classman, operating at the apex of power. The "blueprint" Imam Rauf refers to, is essentially the US MUSLIM ENGAGEMENT -- Changing the Course", This is a large-scale effort by the US government to open areas of cooperation (dhimmitude) with the Islamic world in the political, cultural and economic spheres. 
Pamela is right. And, if you think about it, what we are seeing here, on the part of the Obama Administration and the State Dept., is the Amerabia Project; the equivalent of the Eurabia Project (the Euro-Arab Dialogue) which Bat Ye'or writes of in her important work, Eurabia.

How is it that our government has decided that America needs to be Islamicized/Arabized? What is the theory behind this movement? Is this Amerabia Project merely "reaching out" to our enemies?  Or is it the appeasement of our enemies by giving away what belongs to us; our land, our nation, our culture, our dignity?

The fact of the matter is, we are at war with Jihadist Muslims, Muslims who rightly believe the Koran tells them to convert or kill Infidels until Allah's Kingdom is established across the face of the Earth. This does not mean we are at war with all Muslims, but it does mean that all Muslims, who will not renounce Jihad against the Infidel, are at war with us.


We can't avoid this. If another entity, or nation, or people, declare they want to kill you, you can not simply wish away reality. You can not stop someone from wanting to kill you by imagining a world where their murderous thoughts do not exist.

Children get the worlds of Wish/Imagination and Reality mixed up. Adults are supposed to grow out of such thinking.

Our State Department, our Executive Administration, and our de facto State Media (see the Time Magazine Image above), have not grown up. They are children. They still believe that, if we would only reach out, with an "unclenched fist", to our would-be murderers, they would stop wanting to kill us, stop wanting to destroy our civilization.

And, our government seems willing to give away our civilization so that Muslims will not kill us.

We are the Sudetenland. 

Our government is in the beginning stages of planning to force the American people to cede it's very culture in order to appease Muslims.

At least Neville Chamberlain only gave away OTHER people's land. He was not so stupid as to insist the British people actually give away their own nation and culture.

Can you imagine if Roosevelt had proposed the idea of winning World War II Nazifying America? Can you imagine if Churchill had sought Goebbels help in writing his speeches?

When a government begins to turn against it's people in this manner, when it ceases to work for our interests, then we are back to where this nation started; Taxation without Representation.

It may be true that our government believes it is doing the right thing. They may believe reaching out to the Islamic world will help, eventually, to bring about peace.

But, this is an absolutely unproven strategy in the annals of war. And, we have not approved this strategy

In fact, the American people are making it clear that we absolutely disapprove of this strategy. 

The faultline manifesting this disapproval is the Ground Zero Mosque. We will not provide such an accommodation to Muslims on the graveyard of our own battlefield. If our government will not recognize the will of the people, then it is our government that is in trouble, not the people. 

We will not be moved. We will not provide sustenance to our enemies. We will not let our government become our slavemasters. We will not become the serfs of our own property. 

We own ourselves, and we own our government. And, it is time for our Representatives to understand that, or get out.

So, for now, the message to our pathetic and wayward Representatives is, we will meet you on hallowed ground. You have the choice to stand with us, or stand against us. The choice is yours.

Image QUESTION: So who really was speaking on that historic day of June 4th 2009 in Cairo, Egypt? President Obama or the Imam of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, Feisal Abdul Rauf?

ANSWER: Feisal Abdul Rauf! (Link to audio excerpt of Raul interview at bottom of page)

The Shoebat Foundation has obtained a shocking audio recording of Rauf's own voice boasting in Arabic that Obama’s historic speech in Cairo was provided by the Imam's work with the Cordova Initiative in what the Imam called “The Blue Print” which, according to him, was the solution to the Islamic-American divide. Rauf claimed that Chapter 6 of the Imam’s work engineered by the Cordova Initiative was the construct for the entire speech:

“This is an example of the impact of our work in a positive way to be used by the President.”

"The blue print," Rauf elaborated, included everything from U.S. policy to Jewish and Christian relations with Muslims.

For an Imam in New York to be involved in the orchestrating U.S. foreign policy is quite the claim. In the recording dated February 5th, 2010 Rauf boasted that:

“We have to look at it [as] how to engineer solutions. At the Cordova Initiative we think of ourselves as an engineering shop. Yes. We have an analytical approach. Our work has been that. IN THE BOOK CHAPTER 6, I WROTE ABOUT THIS BLUE PRINT as to WHAT HAS TO BE DONE BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, what has to be done by the Jewish community, what has to be done by the Christian community, what has to be done by the Muslim community, what has to be done by educators, what has to be done by the media. For example, IN MY BOOK IN THE ARABIC VERSION page 293, what did I write? WHAT ARE THE THINGS THAT THE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO DO. IF YOU EXAMINE THIS CHAPTER YOU WILL FIND THAT THE OBAMA SPEECH IN CAIRO WAS ALL TAKEN FROM THIS SECTION [Section 6]. When you do a job that is very complicated. You ask yourself, what have you accomplished. All these problems can be solved but requires the will to solve it. It requires political will, resources and the right focus. The signs of how to go to the moon was known 200 years ago, but the political will and financial will for it happened during 1960-1961. When John Kennedy said that we will send an American to the moon before the end of the 60’s, he established the financial resources and the political will.”

The story was even collaborated in a written article in an interview with Hani Al-Waziri of Egypt. The clue was revealed while Rauf was answering a question regarding President Barack Obama’s speech in which Rauf replied:

“The speech was wonderful and wise in his choice of words, the Prime Minister of Malaysia after the speech disclosed to me that it is now easy for any president of a Muslim country to establish good relations with America, and I AM NOT GOING TO HIDE FROM YOU THAT ONE OF THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED IN WRITING THE SPEECH, TRANSFERRED ENTIRE PARTS OF MY BOOK ‘A NEW VISION FOR MUSLIMS AND THE WEST’, which he referred to U.S. interests being compatible with top interests of the Muslim world”.

Rauf did not disclose the name of this speechwriter that included Rauf’s work in president Obama’s historic address to the Muslim world. It is crucial to note that the Arabic version of Feisal Abdul Rauf’s book was published in Malaysia titled “A CALL TO PRAYER, FROM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER RUBBLE: ISLAMIC DAWA (SUMMONS TO ISLAM) IN THE HEART OF AMERICA POST-9/11."
Go read the whole thing.


  1. ¿Cuantos millones de euros ha pagado España por la liberación de los cooperantes a los terroristas?

  2. Los terroristas de Al Qaeda contentos porque el Gobierno español ha “satisfecho sus peticiones”

  3. there are muslims celebrating the murder of theo van gogh every year

    islam is a cult

    Greens may push to decriminalize polygamy

  5. I just posted this info and ended my post as follows:

    Is Imam Rauf merely bragging? Possibly. Moslems have been known to lie and to take credit for things they haven't really done.

    But what if Imam Rauf isn't bragging? That possibility should make every American sit back and ask, "Where do the loyalties of President Obama lie?"

    Chapter Six of Imam Rauf's book What's Right With Islam is entitled "A New Vision for Muslims and the West," and the book is available in my local library. I've just put a reserve on the book. You know what I'm going to do once I have the book in hand: go straight to Chapter Six and compare the text thereof with the text of Obama's Cairo speech!

  6. Consider the BBC documentary about the Muslim Brotherhood:

    The muslim brotherhood is the 'original Islamist movement". It was started in 1928 in Cairo, Egypt by Hassan al-Banna. A film by Wahid Hamid describes al-Banna as a Genius with the answer to all those waiting for salvation from corruption. al-Banna, another 'community organizer' created an army of devout, very clever organizers, all who exhibited they REALLY CARED about their members, one of the secrets of the MB success.
    What began as a very small group of people who wanted to rid Egypt of British control and cleanse it of all western influence & colonialism which robbed them of of their muslim identity - kicked off in a humble 'community center' with a prayer area, school & sporting club, and rapidly mushroomed to over 1 million followers in less than 10 yrs.
    Consider that last line and juxtapose the humble beginnings of al-Banna's Muslim Brotherhood - with Imam Rauf's evolution of what initially was announced as the "Cordoba Initiative", then rapidly morphed from a mega mosque for ground zero, to more palatable plans as a 'community center' with classrooms, pool, gym etc.

    For God's sake, folks. Rauf is mirroring al-Banna's birth of the Muslim Brotherhood - directly in the wounded heart of NYC at Ground Zero. This coup d'état is a win win for the ever clever Rauf. He studied al-Banna's methods well. The uproar against this GZ mosque serves Rauf & company by giving them plenty of wounded souls to show they REALLY CARE about their hurt feelings. Infidel opposition to this GZ mosque is interpretted as spreading mischief (corruption) in the land .[Qur'an 5:33 - “The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Prophet and perpetrate mischief [reject Islam or oppose its goals] in the land, is to murder them, to hang them, to mutilate them, or banish them. Such is their disgrace. They will not escape the fire, suffering constantly.”]

    Where the f*k is all the money for the mega mosques suddenly sprouting up across this country coming from? It simply cannot be funded by the ever expanding numbers of refugees who live in squalid conditions provided by misguided profiteers of any variety of refugee resettlement programs.

    The West is infested with termites - getting ever closer to ingesting our freedoms, bit by tiny bit. Dhimmi's like Bloomberg and Carnegie are providing safe harbor for them.

  7. Deport Rauf and Khan.

    Impeach Obama.

    Neither has a snowball's chance in hell of happening. It is what we should do, not what we would be able to do even if we tried.

    I am merely observing that what we have here is an American President parroting in a foreign policy speech the opinions of a Muslim Brotherhood-connected enemy agent who is being enabled by this administration in his efforts to construct a base of operations 600 feet from Ground Zero, a block over from NY City Hall, and a few blocks north of Wall Street.

  8. Pastorius,

    Given what Obama is doing right now, there's no way I'm voting for him come next election, and it may well be that he loses in a landslide. People loved him when he ran the first time, but now the American people have seen what Obama is really like as a leader, and a lot of us don't like it.

  9. Hidden message as the artists of old used to do? Goya comes to mind...this was my reaction:
    When I first saw this fabulous illustration-I thought-"My Gosh!-an hidden message!"

    Love the execution of the illustration-Dubois is a true talent- where are our talented artists?
    Oh-that's right - they would not be hired by the likes of TIME...

  10. Hi Guys.
    What amazes me the most is that 7 Million Muslim Americans are imposing their will on the remaining 301 Million Americans!This is NOT democracy this is dictatorship from above!

  11. kick him out!

  12. «Image from Time Magazine»





  14. Hidden message as the artists of old used to do? Goya comes to mind...this was my reaction:
    When I first saw this fabulous illustration-I thought-"My Gosh!-an hidden message!"

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010 5:31:00 PM


  15. Ayatollah Khomeini:

    "A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."

    "If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."

  16. Will,

    This is not a dictatorship, its just that more than half of the people don't know exactly, what's going on, plus more than half of them made the mistake of voting for Obama.

  17. My only quibble with Pastorius' statement is that our "government", the "political class", the slavish liberal media, and the rest of the traitors who have signed on to this "blueprint" one way or another are not doing it so the Muslims will not kill US. They are doing it in the hope that the Muslims will not kill THEM.

  18. Christian Soldier -- Bosch Fawstin is our talented artist in this area and I just can't wait to see what he comes up with in response to this bit of politcoporn!

  19. That's a good point, RRA. I hadn't thought of that. They really believe the old crocodile routine.

  20. Hi Damien.
    I believe you are right ,i see this from talking to others most don't even have a clue of what's going on.And that's the open gateway for Dictators to get in.But what surprises me the most is that not a single (Except maybe one or two)politician has the guts and the decency to expose and stop what is going on.If the founding fathers would have been like that there would not have been an USA.

  21. I hope one day America will see the big picture of what is going on and stand up. I miss the days of when Americans were feared and thought of as the best in all aspects. Now we are shitted on from all angles because of these WEAKLINGS in washington. Its time for people to be shot for treason. WHERE IS THE PATRIOTISM? We all know its most def. NOT with the president and his goonies.

  22. «I miss the days of when Americans were feared and thought of as the best in all aspects.»

    so do i.

    roman catholic, too.

  23. mo(hammad) has only got one ball
    The other is in the Albert Hall
    His mother,
    The dirty bugger
    Cut it off when he was small

    She put it, in a chestnut tree,
    And farted it way out to sea,
    Where the fishes,
    Cleaned the dishes,
    And had scollops,
    And bollocks for tea

  24. mo(hammad) has only got one ball,
    The other is on the Berlin Wall

    mo(hammad) has only got one ball,
    Goebbels has two but very small,
    Himmler has something similar
    But poor old Goering has nothing at all.

    mo(hammad) has only got one ball,
    Goering has two but very small,
    Himmler has something similar
    But poor old Goebbells has no balls at all.
