
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

State Department Using Our Tax Dollars to Purchase and Hand out Copies of Ground Zero Mosque Imam’s Book

Feisal Abdul Rauf, the official Imam of the Obama administration.

Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers.


  1. Which translation is the US taxpayer funding? The English version which is titled: "What's Right with Islam is What’s Right for America",” or it’s Mayalsian translation – “A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic dawa in the heart of post 9/11 America.”

    How many translations are there? What's the title in Arabic? Persian? Farsi? etc. Inquiring minds want to know what the US taxpayer is unwittingly undermining the US Constitution with.

  2. I commented on this under the Hitchens post, but doesn't what Hitchens reports Rauf as saying about Vilayet-i-faquih being "a just government" skate very close to grounds for deportation for him and Daisy Mae as enemy agents trying to influence the very structure of our form of government? This is way past whether to let them build a mosque. This is getting on time to haul them and their room full of prayer rugs off Central Park West and out to JFK and shove the whole lot on a plane back to the particular corner of hell they came from. Or maybe send them to Ahmadhimmijerker like a kit 'n' kaboodle of Tribbles.

  3. RRA, you ask: I commented on this under the Hitchens post, but doesn't what Hitchens reports Rauf as saying about Vilayet-i-faquih being "a just government" skate very close to grounds for deportation for him and Daisy Mae as enemy agents trying to influence the very structure of our form of government?

    I ask: Wait? Wouldn't the title of his book be the same thing? I mean, Sharia is the law of the land in Saudi Arabia, so wouldn't suggesting Sharia is all that is right with America be encouraging us to take on the government of Saudi?

  4. However, I totally agree with your outrage.
