
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fuck The U.N.

Move the Fucking U(seless) N(itwits) out. Maybe they have space for them in Tehran. Then they can use the Turtle Bay building as the alternate site for the Ground Zero Villainy Mosque.

Fox News:

Applause for Ahmadinejad
September 23, 2010 - 5:39 PM by: Eric Shawn

He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack.

That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were U.S. plot.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made a variety of claims over the years during his appearances here, but he never has gone this far.

During his General Assembly address, the Iranian President called for a “U.N. fact finding group” to investigate 9/11.

He also said that ”the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime.”

Before his speech, the Obama administration must have had high hopes that Ahmadinejad would have listened to the offers of diplomacy as presented by the administration and its allies on the Security Council. Members of the U.S. delegation remained in their seats. In years past, only what is called a “low-level note taker” has often been posted behind the little plastic “United States” sign, when Ahmadinejad took the stage.

On Tuesday, when Ahmadinejad spoke during the global summit on poverty, the American delegation remained even as he predicted the defeat of capitalism.

But true to form, he quickly went over the line with his 9/11 remarks and that prompted the U.S. diplomats, and others, to get up and walk out.

“ It’s outrageous,” said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. “a short distance from here, nine years ago, three-thousand people were killed in an attack perpetrated by nineteen people, and an attack that was orchestrated by Al Qaeda. We know exactly who did it, they’ve admitted it, the facts are not in dispute, so for the President of Iran to come here and make the suggestion that somehow this was an American plot, is simply outrageous.”

But as Ahmadinejad walked from the podium, he did so rewarded by applause.


  1. As they say "Truth has become hate speech" if you repeat a lie long enough it starts looking like truth .

  2. Mookee is being replaced by the Head Iacornhola... it seems Mookee isn't Conservative enough.. i really cant imagine what that means. perhaps it means he wont suck the breath out of newborn infants. or shoot women in the streets. at any rate we are about to see much worse.

  3. Thanks for using the left escalator!...
    You are most welcome to the U(-) N(-) Grill Bar INN !

    The "Special of the House" today is:-
    Infidel's eye-balls in a "Bloody Mary" Souse,
    But if you ask me, take the :-
    "Chili Jooooooooos con Gringo's Balls"

    The burner in you ass will create farts with ultrasonic booms like a Concord !

  4. So, the American UN delegates sat and listened to him?

    Fuck Obama.

  5. They FINALLY walked out when he got around to 9/11.


    (blogger playing hide and seek with comments again. I left one 1/2 hr ago and it t'ain't here)

  6. see why i want us in the US OUT of the UN-and-
    I want those valuable NY buildings back into US hands--


  8. Pastorius

    :D LOL


    «An organisation co-founded by superstar Bono to fight poverty in Africa has come under fire for donating only a fraction of its income to charity.»

  9. Anonymous,
    Yeah, I saw that. I don't want to think about Bono too much these days, or I might decide that he needs killin'.


  10. Bah. UN humans will clap for just about anything. Amadingdong might just as well have cracked his butt cheeks and let out a loud wet fart.
