
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Holder and the Justice Department: At Least It's Not As Bad As Jim Crow

From Ace of Spades:

Here is the sum and entirety of the leftist defense of this. You'll see this in the coming days quite a bit:
Oh Noes! Poor whites are now under a New Jim Crow system! Oh Noes!
So much stupidity and malice is packed into that predictable sarcastic rejoinder. The most important idea expressed: So long as racial discrimination directed against whites does not rise to the level of full, 1955 Jim Crow, no harm, no foul, nothing to complain about, and whites' (and good-spirited minorities', too) objections to such a shabby system of discrimination should just shut their mouths and accept that a little bit of second-class-citizenship is nothing to go crazy about.
So long as the system of racial discrimination isn't as evil as Jim Crow, we can (and should) accept some evil without complaint. Or else ya get the "Oh Noes!" treatment.
Granted: This is not as bad as Jim Crow.
But I'd like a lefty to explain to me why it is not bad at all, or even arguably good. And if it is bad at all -- even if not as bad as Jim Crow -- why should anyone, white black Asian or Hispanic, accept it?
Do we generally have a belief that the government is permitted to dabble in lesser evils? If so, when did we decide that? I don't remember having voted on that.

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