
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Imam Feisal "I Am A Jew" Rauf Wrote Letter To The New York Times Stating He Believes Israel Should Become Just "One More Arab Country"

From the Wall Street Journal:

It isn't often that a 1,400-year-old treaty and letters from the 1970s tell us something about current events. But since Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, the force behind the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, has staked a political claim as a "moderate Muslim," it's worth taking note of some of his past writings.

Much has already been made of the imam's comments on "60 Minutes" following 9/11, when he called America an "accessory to the crime" and announced that "Osama bin Laden is made in the USA." He has also refused to call Hamas a terrorist organization. We've now come across two letters to the New York Times that reveal more about the imam's worldview.

In a letter published on November 27, 1977, Mr. Rauf commented on Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's historic trip to Israel and encouraged his fellow Muslims to "give peace a chance." That John Lennon lyric sounds good. But he added: "For my fellow Arabs I have the following special message: Learn from the example of the Prophet Mohammed, your greatest historical personality. After a state of war with the Meccan unbelievers that lasted for many years, he acceded, in the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, to demands that his closest companions considered utterly humiliating. Yet peace turned out to be a most effective weapon against the unbelievers." 

He's referring to a treaty in the year 628 that established a 10-year truce between the Prophet Muhammad and Meccan leaders and was viewed by Muslims at the time as a defeat. But Muhammad used that period to consolidate his ranks and re-arm, eventually leading to his conquest of Mecca. Imam Rauf seems to be saying that Muslims should understand Sadat's olive branch in the same way, as a short-term respite leading to ultimate conquest. 

To drive that point home, he added in the same letter that "In a true peace it is impossible that a purely Jewish state of Palestine can endure. . . . In a true peace, Israel will, in our lifetimes, become one more Arab country, with a Jewish minority." 

Two years later, the imam weighed in on the Iranian revolution. In a February 27, 1979 letter, in which he scores Americans for failing to apologize to Iran for past misdeeds, he wrote, "The revolution in Iran was inspired by the very principles of individual rights and freedom that Americans ardently believe in."


  1. I'd say all this is beyond doubt at this point

    He is a run of the mill salafi/Ikhwan Qutb believer.

    His exercising of first amendment rights on that site can only bring the opposite of his stated goals, but will achieve the real goals of the groups he cares about and whose real beliefs he follows.

    "In a true peace it is impossible that a purely Jewish state of Palestine can endure. . . . In a true peace, Israel will, in our lifetimes, become one more Arab country, with a Jewish minority."

    That is 100% perfect HAMAS.

    Islamic peace is the only peace.

    It is war by other means.

    Why is this not clear to certain people (CAN YOU HEAR ME POTOK?)

  2. There is no such thing as Islamic peace, only Islamic piss!

  3. Pastorius,

    We should show this to anyone who insists this guy is all about Tolerance and understanding.

  4. I dont have to do anything, you have your way, i have mine - thanks!

  5. Do you have anything intelligent to say?

    Judging by your site, it seems that you might.

  6. I was merely responding to Empaminados comment "Islamic peace is the only peace."

    I strongly disagree and that is my statement...

    Sorry if it doesnt fit into your category of intelligent responses but neither does his statement in the first place...

    I speak to people at the level at which they understand things..

    If you are an ignorant unintelligent person then I will speak to you that way,else my words just go over your head, if you are someone of higher intelligence then so be it, higher intelligence it is...

    As I said, I have my way, you have yours :)

    I deal with unintelligent people all day, this is the only thing that works on them else i waste my breath and energy uttering anything remotely smarter than they can comprehend...

    I also live in Israel and deal with thousands of anti-Israel idiots all day long on the internet, so sometimes the day gets the better of me and honestly I dont really care in those moments, I am far from liberal anyway, liberalism got us nowhere and is getting us nowhere still...

    I used to be very liberal minded but I realized its pointlessness, we have to pick a side, none of us are capable of playing "Jesus", we are only kidding ourselves if we believe this to be true...

    While I do wish for peace for both my people (Israelis) and the Palestinian people who are controlled by Hamas and also wish to be as free as we are here and live the same amazing life we do, I cannot just sit back and hear people who support Islam like its the best thing since sliced bread and let them destroy our name and history all in the name of Allah (that "peaceful" guy in the clouds)...

    So honestly if Islam can do and say what it likes to my people and our world then I can definitely and without a doubt say anything I like whether it be intelligent or not!

    (sorry for my bad English)


  7. Now I think I understand you. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. Sorry.

    I think, perhaps, you did not understand that Epaminondas was being sarcastic when he said, "Islamic peace is the only peace."

  8. Ok I see now, well then I would like to apologize to Empaminados as I misread his comment...

    I did not know it was sarcastic, didnt seem that way but then again I dont know any of you in here yet :)

    glad we cleared that up
