
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Islamist Leaders Call for a Week of Taqiyya

They call it "dialogue". We know its real name: al-taqiyya. The "muslim leaders" who held their post-Ground Zero mosque protest rally summit in our New York last weekend are now calling for a "national week of dialogue" to "stem... a rising tide of intolerance" towards...

Sharia. Jihad. Stealth Jihad. Taqiyya. Infiltration. Islamic supremacism. Victimization politics. Threats. Intimidation. Violence. Attacks on freedom of speech. Lies.

But they call it "intolerance towards all muslims".

Posted at FOX.

This is not a time for picketing and making speeches and holding up signs. This is a challenge. Take them at their word, walk into their mosques, their strongholds, their rabats, and confront the "dialogue" by asking the crucial, essential questions and not letting them off the hook until they answer honestly. Or refuse to answer honestly. In front of witnesses, kuffars, dhimmis-in-training, kumbaya dreamers -- and perhaps a few honest, intelligent, patriotic people with enough commitment to reason and truth to understand what they are seeing and hearing.

They know some of us will call their bluff and they will be ready. This must be done calmly and cautiously and there is risk involved. But the alternative is to stand by while thousands of naive and uninformed Americans fall for this satanic altar call -- and you know I do not use those words lightly -- and are pumped full of the same lies and enticed into the same thought-stopping "prayer" participation that was imposed on schoolchildren in Wellesley, Massachusetts, last May.

Muslim Leaders Call for Mosque Open House
Updated: Monday, 20 Sep 2010, 6:44 PM EDT
Published : Monday, 20 Sep 2010, 6:44 PM EDT


MYFOXNY.COM - Muslim leaders from around the country held a summit Sunday in New York. Then Monday, they gathered to call for a national week of dialogue in October to stem what they feel is a rising tide of intolerance toward Muslims. They are also asking mosques across the country to open their doors to people of all faiths.

"We have more than 2,000 mosques and asking them all to open their mosques," said Dr. Zahid Bukhari of the Islamic Circle of North America.

The Muslim leaders representing about 60 mosques and Muslim organizations want the doors open the week beginning October 22 to promote healing and understanding and to quell concerns about the controversial mosque in Lower Manhattan.

"We stand for the constitutional right of Muslims, and Americans of all faiths, to build houses of worship anywhere in our nation as allowed by local laws and regulations," the Muslim leaders said in a statement delivered at the site of the proposed Islamic center and mosque, to be called Park51.

The group also says the public needs to know that Muslim prayer spaces are not anything new at Ground Zero. Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid of the Islamic Leadership Council of New York said that the south tower of the World Trade Center had a Muslim prayer space.

The Muslim leaders are hoping the open houses in October will encourage the public to observe or participate in prayer service and learn more about Muslims to break down the wall of suspicion and fear.

However, Imam Mahdi Bray, who spoke at the news conference, has been a lightening rod in the past. He is the same man seen in a 10-year-old video ago pumping his fist in the air and cheering in support of the terrorist group Hamas.

But Monday, Imam Bray said that the video clip was taken out of context and that his focus has always been to support civil rights.

The group is hoping that opening the mosques to the public will be a powerful step toward healing and understanding


  1. Great !Great moment to ask them to remove all the verses that call for killing non believers!And to ask why women have no rights and why Muslims their lives are worth then others and to ask how much an American or Jewish life is worth?WALL STREET JOURNAL: – The Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2002). In Saudi Arabia, the concept of blood money as per Islamic Shariat (If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation), as follows:

    100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man

    50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman

    50,000 riyals if a Christian man

    25,000 riyals if a Christian woman

    6,666 riyals if a Hindu man

    3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman

    That is, a Muslim man’s life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman

  2. We've got a pretty long lead time on this one. I'm serious about going to the open houses and asking QUESTIONS, though my two cautions would be: 1) do not go alone, and 2) DO NOT COOPERATE. By which I don't mean be aggressively confrontational, but don't adopt their "dialogue" sham either. Don't let them set the terms, don't accept "hospitality" or take part in "activities". Wait for the optimal moment and confront whomever is dishing out the taqiyya with facts and substantial questions about issues such as the basis of Sharia and its incompatibility with our constitution. It's not likely you'll have much time before they hustle you out the door on whatever pretense, so make it count. If there can be a follow-up team to do it again after they think they're rid of you, so much the better.

    They have called for a propaganda assault on Americans. The only acceptable answer is OH NO YOU DON'T.

    I'm going to try to get to the now-notorious Boston mega-mosque if I can find me a nice big bodyguard.

  3. Here some more interfaith dialog from the "Religion of peace"

    Islam Meets Catholicism as Muslim Protesters Call for Death of Pope Benedict.

  4. Just start your question with an honest ,,"I just don't understand, can you explain how can a perfect being say...."

  5. Great title, RRA.

    I like your suggestions. Maybe you ought to include them in the post itself.
