
Friday, September 03, 2010

Panic on the left ... but there's only arrogance and finger pointing from the Political Class

The Nation:

Who's to Blame for Sarah Palin?

Anna Holmes and Rebecca Traister think so. As they argued in their New York Times op-ed yesterday, "If Sarah Palin and her acolytes successfully redefine what it means to be a groundbreaking political woman, it will be because progressives let it happen." By not doing enough to nurture their own women leaders, Holmes and Traister say, it was Dems who cleared the way for Palin and her raging pack of grizzlies to maul our politics. Progressives "have done nothing to stop an anti-choice, pro-abstinence, socialist-bashing Tea Party enthusiast from becoming the 21st century symbol of American women in politics."

Our Quick-Fix Electorate

By Eugene Robinson

WASHINGTON -- According to polls, Americans are in a mood to hold their breath until they turn blue. Voters appear to be so fed up with the Democrats that they're ready to toss them out in favor of the Republicans -- for whom, according to those same polls, the nation has even greater contempt. This isn't an "electoral wave," it's a temper tantrum.

It's bad enough that the Democratic Party's "favorable" rating has fallen to an abysmal 33 percent, according to a recent NBC-Wall Street Journal poll. It's worse that the Republican Party's favorability has plunged to just 24 percent. But incredibly, according to Gallup, registered voters say they intend to vote for Republicans over Democrats by an astounding 10-point margin. Respected analysts reckon that the GOP has a chance of gaining between 45 and 60 seats in the House, which would bring Minority Leader John Boehner into the speaker's office.

Panic is revelatory.
Arrogance... if there is such a thing as a Sarah Palin it's all about us on the left. i.e. If Iran and Norkland are a bunch of bad boys it's because the USA did something, I don' know what, but something!
Blame ..if the republicans are about to win it's that STOOOOPID STOOOOPID electorate again. They elected that Alzheimer numbskull Regan, and that gay Bush and then his stupid son when they could have had the erudite Jean Kerreeeee !

The left deserves to lose. Because they are morons.

Obama was not elected to be whatever the hell is he really is (reality is, apparently, top secret). He was elected to be NOT BUSH. Maybe because Bush in an iconic moment, congratulated 'Brownie' during the Katrina fiasco, and cemented the nagging view of the way the Iraq occupation was handled at first, or maybe because the media painted a violently vitriolic caricature of a what they regarded as a stupid, incompetent,...but most likely both.

Now, the electorate is NOT voting for whatever the hell republicanism might be this year, they are voting for NOT DEMOCRATS (are you listening Republicans?)

This might mean Tea. It might not.

But what it means is....we don' have jobs, many of the jobs we have SUCK. We're afraid our kids CANNOT do as well no matter what we do because forces we DOMINATED are beyond our control ... foreign wages, unions, debt, the finance sector ... we hate big govt and fear it, we hate big business and fear it, we loathe big banks. We trust no one and we question if 'the parties' share our values (as EVERY POLL INDICATES).

Despite the democrats having totally, and I mean TOTALLY screwed their chances by thinking they had an ideological win in 2008, this is wide open.

Somebody is going to be the next party of the people.


It will mean something much more difficult.

Real changes which improve the lives, security, future and confidence of the people in their own govt.

The question is, can EITHER party do this?

As Pat Caddell insists (Dem Pollster), pre revolution is what he smells.

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